Sunday, February 11, 2007

If This Is So...

If, in fact, the

deadliest bombs in Iraq are made in Iran...,

as Dr. Rice now avers, then why are we spending $Hundreds-of-Billions a year on military weaponry?
Why don't we buy our ordnance direct from Iran, instead of Dow Chemical or whomever?

This looks like yet-another-we-are-the-victim claim from the poor defenseless United States Military, which claims that the violence in Iraq is due, not to the 130,000 plus US military occupiers, but to a mysterious group of Iranians.
Again; if our military isn't up to the job of being violent and deadly, why are we bothering to spend all this money on it?
Why not just admit defeat and go home and cower under the blankets?

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Those Caveats!

The new "National Intelligence (sic) Estimate" is out "Iraq at Risk of Further Strife, Intelligence Report Warns", and, according to John Negroponte (nominated as The Man Most Likely To Fail Upward), things are dire - but wait! - "...'there are prospects for increasing stability' that depend on the commitment of Iraqi government and political leaders to take steps to end Sunni-Shiite violence and 'the willingness of Iraqi security forces to pursue extremist elements of all kinds,' he said..." Now, there's denial and there's denial - you know, the kind one tends to find within oneself when ones future depends on what one believes. It would be really interesting to know what basis Mr. Negroponte (one of the famous Unindicted Co-conspirators of Watergate) has for believing that anybody in Iraq is willing to do anything to promote stability - other than trying to kill "Them" faster than "Them" can kill "Us". In fact, there is no indication whatsoever that what Mr. Negroponte wishes to belive is anything other than yet-another-fantasy in the series of such fantasies set forth by the feckless administration of George W. Bush. Latest example of "Iraqi Cooperation": "Baghdad market obliterated". Since the United States (aka "Coalition of the Willing") invaded Iraq, there has been no indication that the Iraqis have been the least bit interested in the desire of the invaders to establish a "Stable Prosperous Friendly Government." And George W. Bush's insistence that the democratic puppet government of Iraq would bring about the destabilization and replacement of the governments of the neighboring states probably hasn't made those countries greatly willing to lend a hand. Now, of course, there's a New Plan. It consists of re-invading Bagdhad. I'm not sure what's new about this plan, but it is most likely intended to keep the middleeast pot simmering. I think this is not a good thing, but if you ask Vice President Dick Cheney, he'll say it's definitely a good thing.