Friday, February 17, 2006

Insanity, Part II

There are those who insist that the Radical-Militant-Islamic-Terrorist-Fundamentalist's (please select any two or three of your choice) are using images of US Mistreatment-Abuse-Torture (select any one of your choice) of Muslim men to inflame rank and file Muslims. They do this, it is said, with the purpose of increasing the intensity of the conflict between the United States and Islam.
There are those likewise who insist that George W. Bush is making a stupid mistake in giving these R-M-I-T-F(please see above) fuel for their fulminations.
Why is there no one making the connection - the President has precisely the same stake in the conflict as the R-M-I-T-F'ers. His power increases as the threat increases; therefore it is to his benefit to insure that the threat increases. Just as it is to the benefit of the R-etc.
That is why the conflict widens; the threat grows. The leadership of both sides are stoking the flame.
Remarkably, the citizens of the Late, Great, United States of America (The United States of Amnesia - Gore Vidal) are now in favor of attacking Iran, because surely Bush wouldn't try to cry wolf yet again, untruthfully! If you'll keep buying it, the President will surely keep selling it.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Fun In The News

People have been saying for a while (me among them), that nobody in the present administration can be trusted with firearms. As soon as Bush, or Rumsfeld, or, of course, Dick Cheney has a weapon available, you can be sure it is gonna be used!
So now, the headline is that the victim of the Veeps assault is "Very Stable". I am really thinking that this is one of those compare-and-contrast essays. Very stable, that is, compared to his assailant. I wonder what the man said to cause the Veep to blast him? "I think you should stop attacking other countries for no reason." perhaps. Or something like that.

Also in the news, "Condi Rice fears that things may get out of control." Oh-Thank-God. Here I was thinking things already were out of hand. But if Dr. Rice (a sort of distaff Dr. Strangelove, if anyone could be) is able to deal with the situation, things are sure to be okay.