Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm Furious Too

Once Again, it seems, the US Government has picked the wrong puppet:
"Mr Karzai is furious..."
I can't imagine why it's so difficult for the CIA to find a good-looking well-spoken popular, but also spinelessly compliant, "client" to run the government of one of our overseas possessions. Perhaps we do actually find such people, but forget to vet them for competence. (Sort of like George W. Bush hiring people for his Administration). Could it be, do you suppose, that it's just Not In The Cards for people living in other places to happily embrace the democracy the United States tries to impose on them? With a batting average of Zero, with the notable exception of territories we stole from Mexico, it seems we just don't know how to find the right Quisling to administer our rightful sun-never-sets-on-US foreign lands.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nonsense! (As Usual)

Now About That Nobel Prize the committee just awarded to Barack Obama: There are those, of course, who insist that the President has yet to accomplish anything. They are Dead Wrong! In fact, the single greatest contribution to peace thus far in this admittedly still young century has been the changing of the guard, from the toxic and deathdealing George W. Bush. to the far more benign and peaceable Obama.
It's true that the change of administration was scheduled by law, but that doesn't alter the fact that the number one deterrent to any peaceful settlement of conflicts worldwide has been replaced. If President Obama does nothing else, he has still earned the prize. In fact, I think almost any replacement of the previous president would be deserving. With the exception, of course, of any of a number of Bush's Neocon Cronies. They remain a Clear And Present Danger (thank you Tom Clancy) to what remains of the [Constitution for the United States of America].
Please; I ask you all to keep an eye on them. Pay attention to

The Man Behind The Curtain

(Looks a bit like Dick Cheney, doesn't it?)