What Is It That We Want To Accomplish In Iraq?
If we actually want to stop the fighting, establish a government (ahem), get the place quieted down and subdued, it's really quite simple.Start now! Start drafting young men. Send 'em to boot camp. Send 'em to AIT (Advanced Infantry Training - a jesting term the Army has been using for decades now). Ship 'em to Iraq. We could put 100,000 men (well, boys) a month through the program. Figure eight weeks of boot camp, 6 weeks of AIT, a month or so to ship the troops to Iraq. By this time next year we could have a million soldiers on the ground, easy!
True, they'd mostly be what we used to call cannon fodder, mostly led by what we used to call 90-day wonders. Pretty much the same kind of army that beat the Germans and the Japanese in WW II. What, is the Sadr Militia better equipped, better trained, a more effective force than the German Army? I don't think so!
So, if we really want to 'Win The War Against Terrorism'; and if Iraq is really the place to do that - I see no other choice. Trust me - it would work.
What, you ask me, about the logistics? How can we equip and supply millions of soldiers in a far away place like that? Easy, I reply. Rationing, and commandeer all the shipping! How can it be that we cannot do today what we did in the 1940's? Unless it really isn't that important to do!
So, do we really want to Win The War, or do we want something different?
Is it that what we really is to keep the pot simmering, so to speak, so that we can continue to transfer massive amounts of money from future taxpayers to present-day war profiteers? If that's what we really want, then we should definitely keep doing what we have been doing for the past 5 years. We can keep sending the usual suspects (the saps who volunteer to go to Iraq - time after time after time), at a total body count of something like a thousand per year; easily sustainable forever. We can keep this up, and keep transferring hundreds of billions of dollars a year to the usual 'Contractors'.
It's a beautiful plan. The only problem, from the point of view of G. W. Bush and his faithful sidekicks, is that the suckers appear to be catching on. There are those who think staying in Iraq is a Bad Idea.
Count me among them.
Then there are the Dying Quail Antiwar Politicians. You read about 'em all the time. 'We should leave Iraq' - BUT - 'We can't leave too soon!' Which is, in my opinion, a lotta BS. The Pentagon abets this with many obfuscations detailing the difficulty of 'Extracting' the troops. That's the BS.
Question: How long did it take to go from Kuwait to Baghdad?