Thursday, December 01, 2011

I've been commenting on Washington Post articles. (November 2011)

I really don't think it was the gov't that "put gps in our cell phones"..., alance.
It was more a matter of marketing yet-another-marvellous-function by adding a two dollar chip to the mass that was already accumulating in your mobile device. Certainly, it's proven to be a hugely popular thing for many people, who must not have been able to find their way from home to work to market before this technology.
I'm clinging to my old 1.5G device with all the determination of an NRA member holding fast to his AK-47. When it expires, donno what i'll do. I don't want the gov't to follow me; also don't want google/apple/facebook et cet, ad nauseum, to track me!
Years ago (in 2003, actually) I claimed it was a GOOD THING that GW Bush was going to attack Iraq that year. That way, there was going to be no way he could disguise the fact that the attack/occupation was a success long enough to fool people at election time 2004. Well, I was wrong as could be, wasn't I?
Now the shoe's on the other foot. I wonder how the current president is going to hide the fact that Iraq is circling the drain of factional violence, civil war, and dismemberment of what was supposed to be a functioning government.
What's worse, in an attempt to justify the billions of dollars spent building the Green Zone (aka White Elephant), it's entirely possible that the US will sacrifice a lot of American lives trying to occupy that little corner of Bagdhad. Before abandoning it aboard helicopters, just like in Saigon at the end of the last hugely foolish war of conquest.
Actually, Mr. Gingrich is a most immoderate man. However, since his (immoderately) cherished desire is to have his own way, his immoderation takes a somewhat bizarre look on occasion.
He also has an amusing tendency to take credit for things he bitterly opposed when they happened (like the then-presidents tax and budget plans, in 1993). When Pres. Clinton's economic plan turned out to be successful, Mr. Spkr. Gingrich stepped up to *ahem* take credit for it!
Surprise! Iran wants a bomb. Considering how often the US has had to defend itself from malign foreign states, by attacking and destroying them, any government wishing to protect itself from similar fate would want the same. It's notable that, while the US deplores WMD, it attacks only countries that DO NOT HAVE THEM. Countries with seriously damaging explosive response capability are noticeably not targets of US attacks. Thus, it behooves all other countries to build such a bomb. For defense certainly; also, of course, for the ego-pumping status of having such a device. I really find it difficult to believe that Iran would want to precipitate its own destruction by using a single, or a few, pathetic little nuclear bombs. The US is, as history shows, the only country that has ever used one as a weapon of war.
"...mainstream, centrist deficit hawks..." ?
Clearly, the mainstream has been subjected to a major riparian shift!
They aren't, they just think you are.
And there appears to be some reason they believe the ornery electorate is as dumb as a post - the votes are in!
I really do not believe that, at this time in our history, we need to elect an Amphibian-American to be our president.
Though, as one of the quotees pointed out, Newt is indeed the "most interesting" to listen to.
Car crashes are a lot of fun too - and there really isn't a lot of difference between the two.
I really have my doubts about this 'contagion' notion. I think the various countries in the zone have been busy erecting bulwarks against such a thing. It'll be pretty messy, certainly. Sort of like what happened to Jugoslavia when the political 'leaders' started thumping the jingoistic drums of ethnic purity. The tiny, scarcely viable, countries that resulted have managed to achieve a sort of stablility. Prosperity, no, but day-to-day operability, yes.
Remember after WW II, when France and Italy made a national sport of changing governments, sometimes monthly, sometimes even faster!
It'll be like that again, I suspect.
"Hands Off My Medicare!"
If Medicare is good enough for you, how come it's not good enough for your children/grandkids?
"...Its overindulgence was never a big problem..."
You might wanna ask the people at the top of the Gulf of California. They're the ones who get Imperial Cty. sewer water instead of Colorado River water.
If they get any water at all, that is.
Problem with Rick Santorum (aside from the fact that even his homestate voters detest him) is that he looks and sounds like Alfred E. Neuman.
We don't need a What-Me-Worry President any more than we need an Amphibian-American President.
I bought a hoodie @ Sears (& Roebuck (remember him?)). $10.
But I waited 'til Saturday. The store was well nigh empty. Except for some tired looking salesclerks. ODD: I don't remember the last time I even saw a salesperson on the floor at Sears (& Roebuck).