Thursday, March 01, 2012

More W-P Comments; February 2012

How about a trade?
Swap the GreenZone straight up for the Parthenon?
Seems like a win-win for the US State Dept. and the Greek Dept. of Antiquities.
Why yes: The government says individuals have the right to decide matters of faith, ethics and morality; the church hierarchy says they have the right to dictate such matters to the individual. SO! Who/what is attacking your right to the free exercise of religion?
THANk GOD Almighty that G. W. Bush never had any gimmicky stuff in his budget. When he kept the costs of his wars off the budget, it was for the excellent reason that he was tole the wars would generate profits for his oil company friends, and then they would take care of reimbursing for the costs. Not counting the dead, of course.
To say nothing of the unfunded medicare drug plan - complete with donut hole.
And the tax cuts to prevent the national debt from being paid off "too fast".
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