Sunday, April 01, 2012

More W-P Comments; March 2012

I don't think people like Rep. Gingrich in that sense. I find him far and away the most entertaining to listen to. He absolutely comptetely totally excels in the use of absolute terminology. Absolutely!
Gov. Romney, by comparison, is excruciatingly difficult to listen to. He straddles every issue so fast and furiously that it makes my head swim.
As I observe the traffic, with people driving cars twice the size they need, driving far more than they need, it seems clear to me that gas is way too cheap.
Even at $4.47 a gallop (where I live), most driving is optional/for fun.
Driving your SUV to the gym to exercise on a treadmill! Geez! Try walking to the gym. Let your feet do a little work for a change
Of course, it was Mr. Rove who told President G.W.Bush NOT to kill bin Laden when the rangers had him cornered - It would have done away with the boogeyman they needed to stampede people into agreeing to let him attack Iraq.
By the time all the 'stakeholders' have put in their oar, the actual truth of the actual event will have become undeterminable. As a general observation, it's not difficult to believe that, especially in the case of young males, aggressive behavior is likely to be met with aggressive behavior. It's notable that police generally approach people in a nonthreatening and respectful way - unless they've gotten their adrenaline running (for any of a number of reasons). Then stuff like this starts to happen.
Gated communities, of course, are designed as havens for those predisposed to a paranoid view of society. Caters toward our fears.