Tuesday, May 01, 2012

More W-P Comments; April 2012

Does that number of 265 popes include the married ones? Or the ones who umm... fecundated various women not their wives? Does it include the popes who had carnal knowledge of their sons and daughters? Just WHEN did the church decide to ban marriage among clerics? It sure wasn't in the early years!
Yeah. This current instance is a little bit like if Alan Ladd had shot Brandon de Wilde instead of Jack Palance. For those not possesed of sufficient years I refer you to the prototypic film of the weary goodhearted gunfighter, yearning to be peaceable - Shane. You could look it up.
How retro!
Back in the good ole days of tailgunner Joe (McCarthy), Communist wasn't a description of a political persuasion - it was an epithet that meant "I hate and fear you".
Today the epithet of choice is Muslim. Meaning, not a follower of Islam, but someone "I hate and fear".
Mr. West is a few decades behind the curve, it would seem.
Why stereotyping and labelling is chosen over reasoned debate is a debate for another time.
Or for never.
"If nominated I won't run; If elected I won't serve."
Wonder if it'll be this long before there's a SecDef history of the Afghan/Iraqi war disaster!
You know; the one where the US military led the "Greatest Coalition In The History Of The World" to a smashing victory over all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Santayana was wrong! Those who DO remember history are still destined to repeat it.
Correct! And thank you!
The "Domino Theory" and denying Red China the ricebowl of SE Asia.
Actually, Big Oil trying to gain sway over the South China Sea. Which is still an area of dispute, and looks to be until ... Well, until I donno!
When terrorists struck the US from the sky on Sept. 11, how did you feel? Wanna hit back? When terrorists strike from the sky in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, etc... HOW do you think it makes them feel? Will they wanna hit back?
Arrogating the right to kill anyone, anywhere, anytime, for any reason might be what you'd call hubris.
It's especially idiotic when you consider the CIAs record of errors.
THIS is, finally, the reason I'm looking for a not-Obama to vote for in November.
I've been saying this for a long time. Where is HUAC (the House UnAmerican Activities Committee) now that we need them? "Do you now, or have you ever, advocated the violent overthrow of the United States Government?"
He wasn't actually running for Pres...
He was trolling for an invitation to be Sec'y of State.
I think Mr. Romney has somebody else in mind already.
HEY! How about Rick Perry? Equpped with laser-targetted six shooter and all, he'd put those commies, muslims, europeans, et. cetera, in their place!
Yeah, but its eleven hours of the best government money can buy!