Saturday, June 02, 2012

Why We Need Canadian Oil...

Piped to Texas, through the middle of the United States, in a Canadian pipeline:

Friday, June 01, 2012

More W-P Comments; May 2012

And yet... When special ops had bin Laden cornered in a cave on the Afghan-Pakistan border in 2002; they left the area! Claimed it was to let those reliable allies, the Afghan army, capture the man. They, of course, escorted him to the border and set him loose.
It would have been a disaster for the war-on-terroristas design to attack Iraq if the boogeyman-in-chief had been killed so early on in the endless war.
How could we possibly scare the kiddies with a clown like Saddam Hussein, compared to the scarey bin Laden?
Would have lost the argument for an invasion and confiscation of the American oil that just happened to have leaked away into the sands of Iraq. Of course, we didn't end up with that oil in the end, did we? Any more than we got the oil in the South China Sea when we saved Vietnam from the commies.
How do we manage to let ourselves be continually led down this same old path???
The United States AND Human Rights!
Total non sequitur.
The Chinese will probably let Chen go if the US promises to teach them how to remotely kill their dissidents with drone mounted missiles.
I see a lotta posters saying the same thing I've found: Rates are low low low - but you can't have a loan!
Here in the "Lost Coast" properties are - not cheap - but affordable. The loan rates are cheap. So what's wrong?
The properties are being bought ALL CASH by speculators.
There's even a consortium of banks thats buying its own foreclosed propreties and writing off the losses. Figuring to rent/sell the properties later for megaprofits.
When I drive a car - I weigh about 220
When I walk - I weigh about 175
Could it be that simple?
My feet hurt though.
I guess Solomon was living in sin.
Or, is marriage really between one man and many women?
Finally, if its in the bible, shouldn't church/state separation make that inappropriate for lawmaking?
As conscientious objectors. This was available to others as well, though back in the day there was a *religious test* required - you could not claim to be against killing but also be a non-believer!
They still got to serve, but only in non-combat roles.
Wow! Paranoia doesn't seem to be restricted to those not "Gods Chosen People".
If the president is swearing loyalty to Israel, he should be tried and convicted of treason. His oath of office is to "protect and defend the CONSTITUTION of the United States of America." NOT the Theocracy of Israel.
"...$360,000 no-bid consulting contract to a friend who now leads a task force rooting out state government waste..."
That's just wonderful. Best laff I had in a while.
Who knew there was so much profit in the canonical "reduce government spending by cutting waste and fraud". Or, in this case, by REPLACING waste with fraud.
Of course, the Gov. knows something about that, having been fined a bunch for fraudulent Medicare billing.
I'm sure that, since he became governor, though, he's quit defrauding the taxpayers.
"...threaten to shrink the church into a narrow, conservative sect." Oh Gosh! The church might BECOME a mass of old reactionaries! It's a good thing that isn't the way it is today.
Face the fact. As long as women are no more than vessels to incubate a new generation of faithful congregants, the churce will continur to be immured in its ever-more-distant past.
NOTE: retro "Good "ole Days" thinking is not by any means unique to the Catholic Hierarch - it's very much a part of human nature.
Sorry for the unnecessary quotes...
"I believe the Church will do so:,,, Mr. Dionne believes more than I can!
Vatican II was a century ago, a temporary blip in the Church's relentless self-immuring in a mythic time. John 23 (? - I tend to lose track) was also an aberration. Sort of like when Earl Warren was mistakenly appointed to the Supreme Court. "My worst mistake" - D. Eisenhower.
We won't be making mistakes like that again!
"Religious Freedom" being the freedom of a few old men at the top of the Catholic hierarchy to dictate matters of social, spiritual and religious conscience to the entirety of humankind!
Just how is it that these troglodytes are still allowed the tax-free status of a non-political separated-from-state religion?
The "Supercomittee" didn't fail - Congress elected to ignore it, and went along on its merry politicking way. Seeding "Victory!" You could google "Pyrric victory": to see how this all plays out. Or, you could look at your own personal financial situation, and judge for yourself.
Sen Joseph I (Smite Them Hip And Thigh) Lieberman was *registered* Democrat, but he's an old-testamentarian theocrat, by his words and deeds. I have long thought he should have been appointed to Secretary of Homeland Security - then the whole department should be shut down!
It's a twofer.
Actually, for some time now I've been advocating that, as the single most powerful (in oh so many ways) nation on earth, and as the major political influence worldwide, the United States really should look for its leaders from every part of the world. It would be best for all if we had the best qualified person we could find as president. We certainly haven't had much luck selecting among the 300-odd million here at home! You'd think we could do better. Maybe we could, if we look in Germany, Brazil, S. Africa, India. Though, I must admit, I don't see very much in those places either. And those I do think might do well would probably be way too smart to subject themselves to the toxic politics of the USA.
Maybe we could snag a princeling from Britain? Or a horndog from Italy? There seems to be a few possibilities there.
A politician-drain instead of a brain-drain.
No, seriously.
Why is that citizenship test such a deal????
Four years ago, it was a different governor-seeker in the Secy of State office. And she did indeed end up governor, and she did indeed use those horrible immigrants as an issue. Just not in quite the brain-dead manner as the current doof.
Unregulated growth, in the human body, is also known as CANCER. It's not a good thing!
Then, there's that elusive thing called "Sustainable Growth". Let's try to find out what that is, and how to get to there from here...
"Cohesive". That's the operative word here. Tribalism, which is the basic social model in Afghanistan (and is rapidly becoming the model in the US), pretty much precludes any central government other than brutal thug dictatorship. The notion that free democratic processes just happen anywhere/anytime there's a transition is observably false. In fact, it's pretty much a Potemkin Village facade worldwide; used by various countries to get the US to allow them to continue business as usual. Witness Iraq.
Face it, folks. Barack Obama cannot possibly be a "real" US citizen. He's not white! Everybody knows that only old white men are allowed full citizenship, and only they are allowed to become president.
The late, great United States is on a not-so-slow inexorable slide into the final desuetude.
Yeah, you'd almost think Arizona was the retirement destination of the folk from Tennessee!
"We shouldn’t be extending an open hand to a regime engaged in the systematic and flagrant denial of basic human rights."
That's right Mitt; We should be engaging in the systematic and flagrant denial of those rights our own selves!
Never accept taking second place to a petty dictator from a puny little country. We're number one!
Mitt Snerd! Thanx, I have fond memories of the original dummy!
Motel: A portmanteau word cobbled up from motor + hotel. Thus, either a hotel you motor in to, or a hotel for your motor. Unclear if one can stay in a motel without a motor. Though, there's a host of such places along Broadway here now serving in the place of SRO hotels.
It's confusing, I know.
I prefer camping, anyway.
It's probably not all that uncommon for agents, like others when travelling, to do things they don't normally do at home. It's like the notion that "vacation calories don't count". A different place can cause a different behavior. Witness the tourists you see in your city: they probably don't act like that at home (hopefully).
Doesn't mean it's acceptable behavior though.