Wednesday, July 13, 2005

That Rascal Rove!

Apparently (according to all the president's men that is), Karl Rove, the jovial White House assistant chief of staff, has done no wrong in the Valerie Plame case.

The reasoning? He didn't mention her by name! What he seems to have told several reporters is that the wife of former U.S. diplomat Joseph C. Wilson IV was the CIA undercover agent who got him sent to Niger to check out the yellowcake uranium story.

Imagine his shock that anyone could figure out who he was talking about from such sparse information! It's also being said that, while he might have mentioned all this in passing, it may have been another person who leaked the story. In other words, while Karl tried like hell to leak the story, he might not have succeeded before another source managed the trick.

I think pretty soon we'll see that he in fact is completely innocent.
In the same sense that Henry (will no one rid me of this troublesome priest) II was innocent of the murder of Thomas Beckett. In modern terms, "Plausible Deniability". The Bush White House is big on deniability. Or is it just big on denial?
When Sherman Adams was found out (he was flat out selling access to President Eisenhower; hey, it was a simpler time), Ike fired him without comment, without fuss. I would urge the same for this president, except that I like to watch the hullaballoo. Remember this? I will restore honor to the White House; G. W. Bush, 2000.

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