Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Cheney: Iraqi Government Doing 'Remarkably Well'

By E&P (Editor & Publisher) Staff
Published: October 17, 2006 3:55 PM ET
NEW YORK Vice President Dick Cheney, as he is wont to do during difficult times for the administration, appeared on Rush Limbaugh's radio talk show today, where he declared that the current government in Iraq is "off to a good start" and "they're doing remarkably well." Americans are concerned, however, because the war, which began in March 2003, "wasn't over instantaneosly," he explained.
Here is the relevant portion of the transcript concerning Iraq:
CHENEY: Well, I think there’s some natural level of concern out there ... On the other hand, this government has only been in office about five months, five or six months now. They’re off to a good start ... If you look at the general overall situation, they’re doing remarkably well.
(The Web site,, has the audio)

Central Command thinks it's going this well!

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