Friday, January 12, 2007


I don't see how sending troops to Iraq is a "new" idea.

In Arab world, U.S. approaches falling short
By Megan K. Stack and Ken Ellingwood,
(Los Angeles) Times Staff Writer;
5:46 PM PST, January 11, 2007
"...Sunni governments such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan are longtime allies to the United States, while Shiite-ruled Iran has long been an American nemesis. But the rise of Shiite political power in post-Saddam Iraq, along with the growing regional influence of Iran, have left many Sunnis feeling insecure.Foremost among the causes of bloodshed in Iraq, according to an editorial in Thursday's pan-Arab Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper, "is the U.S. occupation's bias in favor of one sect at the expense of the other, and its humiliation of the members of the latter in a manner that reveals a strong desire for revenge."Some Sunnis have fretted quietly about the possibility of a U.S. withdrawal. They fear that Iraq's minority Sunni Arab population, already under attack by Shiite militias, would face even harsher retribution from Shiites after the departure of U.S. soldiers.But Thursday, those voices were all but silent.Meanwhile, neighboring Iran also warned against boosting the number of American troops in Iraq."The increase in the number of American military forces can escalate insecurity and tension in Iraq and work against solving that country's problems," Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini told reporters in Tehran. "America is trying to accuse and blame other countries for interference in Iraq to cover its policy-making mistakes in that country..."

Well, at least it appears that George W. Bush is being evenhanded about the whole thing; all the various factions in Iraq and, indeed, in the entire middle east, seem certain that they are the group being targeted for extinction.

Who can tell? - perhaps this will finally force the Iraqis to work together to get rid of the invading army.

This Morning

I dropped the shampoo...
It hit the floor amazingly fast; and I realized something. Gravity is increasing! Yes, the Earth's gravity is getting stronger. Even the rate at which it's getting stronger is probably increasing, though I haven't figured a way to measure this. Even at the current rate, if I last to 100, the Earth's gravitational pull will probably nearly equal that of a Black Hole.
No wonder my feet hurt.
I think the Climate Change Alarmists should consider worrying about this instead of that wussy little 2 or 3 degrees on the thermometer they're warning us about. I mean, if we're all glued to the ground, what's a little additional sweat to worry about?
I'd also like to know why this is happening. Is it a natural phenomenon, something to do with time and space? Or is it caused by human intervention (like Global Warming)? Is it the Atom Bomb? Perhaps God is angry because we're fighting over His favorite stomping grounds - like Jerusalem. Maybe it's all that missing matter I keep reading about. Maybe it's finding its way to Earth and making our gravity bigger. Or, looking around, maybe the missing matter is conglomerating around the waistlines of America. Attracted by the delicious smell of those Supersized Big Mac Meal Deals. It's adding to the avoirdupois of the population, thus increasing the amount of the world's biomass. I really don't know the answer, but I think we'd better get the government to fund a study. Since they're cutting all that pork in Congress now, there should be a little bit of money for this important study. I urge you to write your congressperson! Please, don't wait, do it today!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Here is some exciting news from the Consumer Electronics Conference:

"LAS VEGAS: Bill Gates, the chairman of Microsoft, is using the Consumer Electronics Show here to highlight several new consumer-oriented products and to unveil a partnership with Ford Motor to build Microsoft technology into several Ford models."

It seems that soon we will be able look forward to our new Ford Or Other Fine Car running as reliably as our Microsoft Windows PC!

Monday, January 01, 2007


And Counting...

It eases the mind, I think, if the deaths are anonymous. There are places online where the deaths are exposed - as real men and real women. Mostly young. Looking even younger. Every one of them, regardless of any other factor - someones child. Killed in a vain attempt to win glory for the Commander-In-Chief.
You can look at the faces of the fallen here. The fallen U.S. soldiers. The multitude of Iraqis, men, women, children, are still mostly faceless.
George W. Bush (Bush The Clueless) is about to announce a "New Direction". As I said before, there are really only two directions. IN and OUT. Which one will the feckless George W. Bush select?