And to the
U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeSorry, I guess the IGPCC (or whatever) is too obscure, or was, to have a logo, unlike
The 2005 Winners: the
IAEA and it's head
Mohamed ElBaradei. But 2005 was a long time ago and for all their work, they never managed to get the United States to waver from it's lies and misstatements about Iraq's WMD; claims the administration is now making about Iran. I don't imagine this Nobel Prize will dent the denial of the President and his friends.
While the IGPCC (or whatever) doesn't have a logo, they do have a few facts on their side.
Inconvenient of them, isn't it? Here's one interesting graphic. Submitted by Stanford University Solar Center (which I didn't even know there was one of such a thing!).
As you can see, the measured values track the predicted values pretty well. That's generally considered the mark of a good predictive model. In spite of all the cherry-picking of local discontinuities - generally pointed out by those with a vested interest in (energy) business-as-usual.
Now, as I hear (read, really), there seems to be a new groundswell of support for Citizen Gore to run for President. I have to confess in my innnermost self, I'd really like to see him as President. But, given the toxic political climate of today, I have to think it would be a
Bad Idea! Let's face it; Citizen Gore is too much the gentleman to respond in kind to the sort of attacks the cabal once labelled by
Sen. Clinton as the
"Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" though, in fact it's really only half-vast, would mount on
Candidate Gore. Still, it's a powerful group, and as highly disciplined as the NRA when it comes to attack politics. And the
Half-Vast Cabal stands ready to go after anyone who can even be imagined as a Liberal. Al Gore would certainly qualify as fodder for their cannons. As Candidate Gore, he'd be fending off their assaults full time, unable really to do anything important; whereas Citizen Gore can spend his time as he wishes, and need not worry about the perception of the
electorate. One could only wish that the electorate of today was ready to vote for an intelligent educated thoughtful candidate. But it seems that what's wanted is a dauntless unwavering bull-in-a-china-shop leader. The President appears to be correct in this; the educational level in the country is a disaster! The people for the most part are completely unable to understand where their own self-interest lies.
I think (hope)
Nobel Laureate Gore is too smart and too secure in himself to be willing to put up with it all.
Good luck to the candidates who are submitting themselves to the toxic mud of today's political process.