Saturday, October 08, 2005


Mohamed ElBaradei
To Mohamed ElBaradei, and to the IAEA, winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2005. I haven't read the pronouncement, but I'm guessing the award was at least partly the responsibility of the Bush administration, which helped immensly by demonstrating that Mr. ElBaradei was dogged in pursuit of the truth about Iraq's 'reconstitution of nuclear weapons programs' in spite of all the harrassment he recieved from the United States government for not simply agreeing to the distortions and lies ('We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud') used to promote the war in Iraq.


I think Mr. ElBaradei owes the Bush administration a hearty thanks for propelling his formerly obscure United Nations office into such prominence.
And congratulations also to the United Nations for the many services it performs throughout the world in the face of continuing efforts by the current (and also past) US administration to make the institution into a rubber stamp for its retrograde social agenda.

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