Some time ago, during the last financial panic (It was about crooked lending policies at Savings & Loans, remember?), I saw a man-in-the-street interview, with a woman, actually, in which the interviewer asked the interview'ee her opinion of the multi-billion-dollar federal bailout of the crooked lenders. She opined that since it was the fault of the government, the taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for the bailout; the government should pay for it out of it's own pocket!
Now, I thought at the time that this was a citizen who had a very limited concept of finance, government, indeed, was pretty much a moron when it came to anything not within her immediate perceptual surroundings.
I've changed my mind now...
Because of this: FBI to Probe Clemens (sounds painful!).
Now, I realize that congresscritters have a desperate need to ger their names and their faces on news-at-eleven, but I really believe that in this case the man(woman)-in-the-street referred to previously was completely correct. Let The Government Pay For This. Or, rather, let the neurotically-driven congresspersons and the equally obsessed "fans" of athletic exhibition corporation employees (ballplayers and the like), foot the bill. This kind of thing is not unlike the never-ending-story known as the Inquest Into The Death Of Princess Diana. The media-stoked need of what H.L. Mencken referred to as the "Booberati", to wrest every pointless detail from a pointless story is mind-boggling. Just think though; the tax dollars saved by requiring this sort of anti-social behavior to be self financed would be immense.
It would mean, however, forgoing a large part of the Circuses component of the Bread-And-Circuses function of government.
Now, I thought at the time that this was a citizen who had a very limited concept of finance, government, indeed, was pretty much a moron when it came to anything not within her immediate perceptual surroundings.
I've changed my mind now...
Because of this: FBI to Probe Clemens (sounds painful!).
Roger Clemens: Juiced?
Now, I realize that congresscritters have a desperate need to ger their names and their faces on news-at-eleven, but I really believe that in this case the man(woman)-in-the-street referred to previously was completely correct. Let The Government Pay For This. Or, rather, let the neurotically-driven congresspersons and the equally obsessed "fans" of athletic exhibition corporation employees (ballplayers and the like), foot the bill. This kind of thing is not unlike the never-ending-story known as the Inquest Into The Death Of Princess Diana. The media-stoked need of what H.L. Mencken referred to as the "Booberati", to wrest every pointless detail from a pointless story is mind-boggling. Just think though; the tax dollars saved by requiring this sort of anti-social behavior to be self financed would be immense.
It would mean, however, forgoing a large part of the Circuses component of the Bread-And-Circuses function of government.