Friday, April 25, 2008


A Question: How long have there been people on Planet Earth? Some would say since that hypothetical "mitochondrial Eve", some 200,000 years ago. Others would say since the Biblical Adam (oh, and Eve, too).
In either case, or maybe some other case altogether, one thing seems certain. To me, at least. I am willing to bet large sums of money that, ever since there have been humans, humans have been having sex! If you'll grant my premise, then you'll not be too surprised to discover that the governments attempts to tell people NOT to have sex haven't ahh, had the impact the Pious Frauds of the Religious Right (right in the sense of political orientation, NOT in the sense of Being Correct) have claimed the Abstinence Only school programs would have. Yes; in spite of all those wise things we are telling them, ...teens are still having sex!
Just imagine! In My Day, teenagers didn't have sex until mom & dad said it would be okay. You remember those days, right?

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