Thursday, June 05, 2008

Wine Wine Wine,

Red Wine, That sallow cheek o'hers t'incarnadine (Omar Khayyam)
There are so many reports these days in the health pages of newspapers about the wonders of drinking wine, (like this one: "Red Wine May Slow Aging";) one more cynical than I might well wonder if the headline writer can anticipate some reward from, oh, say, The Wine Institute. Especially given that the actual article doesn't indicate that wine is particularly good for you at all. The article is about resveratrol, and other sirtuins.
A simple Google Search gives us the following numbers (Note: your mileage may vary):
"Wine AND Health": 12,800,000 hits;
"Wine AND Alcoholism": 405,000 hits;
"Wine AND Wino": 732,000 hits.
The Results Are Clear!
Any competent statistician can conclude from these numbers that wine is more than ten times more healthy for you than it is unhealthy for you.
Since I used the word wine not once, but three times in my headline, I expectantly await my (probably modest) payola from the above mentioned Wine Institute. Actually, any payment from any grateful winemaker / winemarketer will be gratefully accepted.
Adding the terms alcoholism and wino probably blew my chances though.

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