Sunday, February 15, 2009


Having been so successful in opposing every effort to restore the United States of America to a viable state, it seems the Republican Party owes a debt of gratitude to Eric Cantor (R -Va).
Yes, as it says in the New York Times, "...Mr. Cantor succeeded again on Friday in denying the White House the support of a single House Republican : In Gingrich Mold, a New Voice for Solid Resistance in G.O.P.
With many more such successes, it seems likely that the G.O.P.'s sledgehammer approach to redesigning the government - described by Rep. Cantor as "its bedrock value — smaller government" (a value which has never been actually utilised by any Republican President) - will indeed succeed: in rendering the government completely non-viable, that is. Ignore what's right for the actual people of the actual USA; think only about what's best calculated to Return The G.O.P. to power. Now, the United States is not about to disappear from the scene. It will endure. Much as the Roman Empire continued to exist. In different places, with different governments and different social systems. It seems to me to be most likely that the United States of the near future will look a lot like what is today most often described as "The Flyover States." With a Western States of America bounding it on the west (obviously), and a United States of New England on the northeast. And the rising seas of global warming marching up the middle (the Mississippi Valley) and shrinking the Island of Florida to a swamp of its former self. Yes; the G.O.P. is laboring greatly to fashion for itself, and for all of us, what we might well call a Pyrric Victory.

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