Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Horns Of A Dilemma

Which Is Worse:

A. Release The Photos, and risk "Inflaming anti-American opinion" - or -

B. Don't Release The Photos, and leave it all up to people's imagination. And, of course, to the Demagogues Blogues.

Obama seeks to block release of abuse photos

What To Do... what to do... "Whether t'were worse..."
My own take is that there is absolutely no aspect of this entire shabby situation that is not entirely and totally informed by Political Calculation. From the getgo it's been a wonderful example of the old adage "Better not to commit the sin than to make amends after." Still, in the spirit of Horsetrading, the President had to offer something to the Flags at DOD, in return for their acquiescence in the firing of Gen. David McKiernan as Commander in Afghanistan. If this is what it takes to fire the guy in Afghanistan, what will the President have to offer the DOD's when he realizes it's time and past time to get rid of the incompetent poseur Gen. Raymond Odierno, the commander in Iraq?
Of course, the original perpetrators of the outrage are now safely in retirement. At locations we wish were unknown - and also inaccessible!

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