Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Serial Resignee

It Seems To Have Gone Unnoticed (well, largely unnoticed): But - Alaska Gov. (now ex-) Palin (Palin faces questions as she makes her exit) also resigned her Mayorship and her position on the Alaska Oil & Gas Board. Could a pattern be emerging?
Apparently the New Plan is to "speak out" on important issues. Or, as Mrs. Palin Tweets: "Ain't gonna shut my mouth / I know there's got to be a few hundred million more like me / just trying to keep it free..." Sense Free, I'd guess. Count me not among those who are like Sarah Palin.
I don't know about the voters of the United States or Alaska in general, but I personally feel a bit disinclined to give much credence, or my vote, to someone whose thought process extends no deeper than 140 characters. Still, in these short-attention-span-times, perhaps a Tweet is about as much data as the ornery citizen can handle.

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