Saturday, September 01, 2012

More W-P Comments: August 2012

"... we can — and must — restrain their use." Actually, no, we can't.
The attraction of these things - the chance to act remotely so as to avoid any close involvement with unpleasant acts - is overwhelming.
RPV's will continue to be largely unresticted, like assault weapons, until there are so many examples of unauthorized intrusions endangering the rich and powerful (and their pet politicians) that the underside of this, yes Orwellian is an excellent term, becomes sufficiently clear.
As of today it would be no great feat, I suspect, to insert a drone-of-my-own into the fleet hovering over a nominating convention, e.g., armed with sufficient destructive force to alter the course of presidential history.
On the other hand, perhaps a high-capacity high-rate-of-fire assault weapon would be easier to carry around.
Let's face it: mindless violence, not freedom and equality, is rapidly becoming the legacy of the US.
That for which we will be remembered in the history books
Different: A spy satellite of any consequence costs billions (plus maintenance) - a drone costs thousands and is not a lot harder to deploy than a model airplane.
In Catch-22, Yossarian complained that the Germans were "out to get him". The psych officer thought he was being paranoid. Yossarian said no: "I'm just doing my job, dropping bombs on them, and they're trying to shoot me down!".
Nah, We can't act! Sorry Dr. Hansen. People just aren't made that way.
We're much more like the frog in the pan that's warming slowly than like the frog dropped in the hot water.
Action requires a change in how we act.
Like asking a couch potato to start exercising: "I'll start working out when I'm in better shape".
" (The Romney Campaign) says it (The Study) ignores “pro-growth elements” of Romney’s plan, such as corporate tax reform and reduced deficits.
Finally! Romney's tax plan will balance tax rate cuts for wealthy taxpayers with reduced deficits. Thats how it will be "revenue neutral". It's like how I balance MY budget. I balance my reduced income with reduced indebtedness. Please, don't ask me how I do this. It's Magic!
It's simple really: Cut taxes and pay for it by reducing the deficit.
I leave the details as an exercise for the voter - but I do reserve the right to platitudinize as follows: "Balance The Budget By Cutting Waste And Fraud". Repeat after each meal.
"...expect geater growth"? Historically speaking, the economy has grown faster during Dem administrations than during Rep administrations. Even most recently, there has been more growth during three years of Obama (though it is a pitiful rate indeed) than during the Bush years. Except, perhaps, for the war industry, which has actually prospered under every recent president, except for Clinton.
Not interesting so much as inevitable. With everybody voting "NO", it's well-nigh impossible to get to yes. Economic meltdown is as certain as global meltdown. Oh - I forgot - that's also a hoax!
The standard response is: Attack TWICE The Usual Suspects!
This simply works on the disconnect in the US today. When I take my car in for maintenance, I go to a small business that - judging by the teevee show in the waiting area - would agree wholeheartedly with Romney/Fox/Limbaugh. HOWEVER. They seem not to notice that their business would not be very successful if the government (UGH!) hadn't built the road I take to get to their front door.
It was Ann Richardson (Gov, D-Tx) who said it of G W Bush. Probably not the first to say it though.
Perhaps Gov. Romney did not have a great teacher anywhere along the way. That's too bad. Might have helped him to think better.
However, I DO have to wonder just what the president meant when he said "Unbelievable American System". Because yes, I am finding it more and more unbelievable.
You'd think from a population of more than 300 million we could find better candidates.
India is in essence a bi-polar state: About 400 million of the inhabitants are homeless, powerless, nonentities. Throwaway people. Why supply electricity to the peons when it can be used to make stuff for those who have money to buy? Including, especially, people in other countries?
This is rapidly becoming the model for the rest of the world. Rich, pale, plump people who sit in airconditioned rooms, and poor, brown, skinny people who labor in the fields.
Call it the Capitalist-GOP-Bain model, if you will.
Seems like MF leaked through from another article. Or is unresponsiveness a measure of sophistication in some circles?
The notion of who is most put out by failure of the electric grid *might* include the resident on the 20th or 30th or 50th floor of the hi-so hi-rise condo. Not easy, going up and down the stairs (in the dark) (with the caviar and champagne).
These places all have gensets, of course.
So until the failure of the fuel resupply system also occurs, it's NO PROBLEM.
"OUR God"?
Speak for yourself neverlatte...
My own personal god exists only for me, and only in my own mind. You are not permitted to have any opinion regarding it.
"...all theologies of law-abiding citizens in the US are legitimate..."
Even Scientology?
Everybody here seems to believe that Romney actually believes!
How many proffessed of ANY religious label actually believe, rather than just accept as recieved knowledge that which was told them by their parents and other selected authority figures?
On the evidence of Gov. Romney's spoken words, there's not a lot that he truly belives in the sense of being something he will actually defend as truth.
... But...
I thought Gov. Romney was absolutely intent that the federal gov't. should do nothing whatsoever (except attack foreign countries), and leave everything to the states.
Makes one wonder though: WHY does Romney want to preside over a government that does nothing?
Governors should have to make up their own lies to campaign on!
NO plagiarizing please!
The Flintstones: A Documentary for kids.
The X Files: Investigative reporting for grownups.
T V: A Vast Wasteland (as far as the eye can see).
LOW taxes as an incentive to work. And here I thought food and shelter were incentives! More fool I.
Everybody's in favor of Liberty. They just want a little more of it for themselves.
Better not believe those elitist scientists - they're just angling for more dollars for their research.
You really should believe those altruistic oil company CEO's - they have no financial reason to tell you an untruth!
Face it, folks: wishful thinking trumps reasoned thinking every time.
Imagine, if you will, a nation without a deficit. We had that back at the turn of the century. What happened? Without a deficit to view with alarm, and to campaign against, we were lost at sea. So, we elected somebody who guaranteed he would return us to deficit spending. In fact, the G.W. Bush tax cuts were pencillied out to create such a huge deficit that the only way to cook the books to hide the size of it was to pretend that the cuts would expire in 10 years. The plan, announced even as the sunset provision was included in the bill, was to "extend" the cuts year by year. Worked out pretty well huh?
"If man did not have a deficit, it would be necessary for him to create one".
Well, here's the simple explanation: UNEARNED income should be UNTAXED income. It's ultimately all about symmetry. As for that bogus "we need it for investment", that's like saying we need it for "job creation". What investment? What job creation?
Actually, if you map tax reciepts against tax rates, you get very little correlation. What happens with a tax cut - along with an increase in (deficit) spending - is that the billions of dollars spent on the military industrial complex goes into workers pay, which IS TAXED. In essence, the government taxes its own spending. And gets lots and lots of military hardware into the bargain. Which gets used to kill people all around the world.
"People of Faith" should have a little faith. If God doesn't want that foetus aborted, HE (or perhaps SHE) will see to it. All you need is faith.
Though, looking at the sort of pious nonsense spouted routinely by PoF, I suspect that faith is pretty much lackiing in such self-proclaimed folk.
Except for the kid who used his father's ID to vote for G.W. Bush. And got caught, presumably because he was too dumb to figure out how to get away with it.
Considering how many rules/regulations/laws there are regarding contributions - campaign and otherwise.
Considering how many people want to suck up to powerful politicians.
Considering how desirous politicians are of the money - and the approval the money seems to imply.
ANY politician who manages to get millions of contributions - with not one single one bending or breaking some rule - would have to be the most timid weenie on earth.
NOW, when a politician ASKS for a "contribution" (think Duke (or Douche) Cunningham here), then its something to snipe at him about. Othewise, let the jocksniffers sniff the jocks. "No Harm No Foul".
"Won't the Democrats ever learn?"
No, doesn't seem like they will. A bunch of spineless accomodationists.
Most Americans did not know (who) Paul Ryan is. Since Rep. Ryan and his Wonderfully Intellectual Budgetary Proposal has been front and center of the GOP talking points for the last two years, isn't that a stark commentary on the sorry state of the American electorate? How can voters vote when they have NO IDEA who/what they're voting for.
OK, OK, I get it... It's been this way for a long time. It's how we got here.
I got to say, purely for selfish reasons, I had hoped to see Newt Gingrich at the debates. Not because I want to see him in office (again!). But he has been far and away the most fun of any of the candidates (GOP, DEM, Other) to listen to. His over-the-top apocalyptic rhetoric is Amazing! Astounding! Unbelievable!
The best we can hope is that Biden will be Biden. He can also be fun to watch.
These other guys? You'd think with the long history of late-night variety shows we could find more interesting candidates.
Notice that I'm not even bothering with any notion that there will be ANYTHING of substance in the political conversation. That time has long since passed.
OF COURSE he's noticed. This article is about Rep. Ryan's "tell". I would imagine YOUR "tell" is to immediately make a derogatory reference to Pres. Obama. (Not that that is such a difficult thing to do). About getting Mr. Ryan's point across: What was his point, and how well did he do?
Please - Compare and Contrast.
Why not fire Paulson and replace him with Clinton? Of course, William Jefferson Clinton is a smart man (except when an intern sashays past him), so he'd know better than to give up the mantle of senior adviser.
This is really really a lot of fun! Eventually though, as we subside back into the normal torpor of our political malaise (sorry Jimmy Carter) - People will start to mention the fact that, when it comes to the V P, NOBODY CARES! Just like John Nance Garner (immortalized by this, otherwise as obscure as they come) said: The vice presidency is worth as much as a warm bucket of *spit*...
You ARE aware, are you not, that Mr. Romney's primary charity is his tithing to the Mormon church?
I think it disingenuous to equate supporting Mormon Missions to Paris France (among other places) with paying taxes to support (among other things) the maintenance of roads and bridges in the US.
"And we don`t need that interstate highway system."
So true! At least, all those SUV drivers don't.
I have come up with a (ahem) modest proposal. One that will cut taxes AND eliminate traffic congestion. Make SUV drivers drive off-road. Keep them off the roads that they - *heck NO* I don't pay no steekin taxes - I built it myself - don't want to pay for.
Leave the roads for us weenies that have to drive on pavement. The few of us, that is.
As the gov't sells the GM STOCK they bought with that bailout money, the gov't will end up with a PROFIT. That's what Wall St. is all about, isn't it?
Perhaps reading some actual news from an actual news source would help you with your cognizant dissonance.
ODD. I have not seen any report detailing Rep. Ryan's no doubt *heroic* military service record. We know that Gov. Romney's service involved canvassing French people for the Mormon church. But what was Mr. Ryan's equivalent?
I really do not know. Be interested in finding out.
If you'd like a comparison, here's how Social Security/Medicare/etc. is handled in Singapore:
In esssence, the base rate of employer and employee contribution to the Central Provident Fund is 36%. The rate declines as the employee ages. The fund 'owner' can use the fund for certain basic borrowing (like for a down payment for an apartment). The fund encompasses BOTH retirement and health care.
The CPF is solvent, and future retirees won't be left holding the (empty) bag.
It is, however, SOCIALISM!
American Social Security and Medicare, of course, are not.
I think the deep-thinking Rep. from Missouri was not distinguishing between "legitimate" and "illegitimate" rape; he was rather distinguishing between "legitimate" as in "real" or "actual" and the common "She Really Wanted It" type of rape so fondly believed by a certain sort of ... ummm... errr... well, perhaps troglodyte would be the kindest term here.
Aside: the selectivity involved by those who (also fondly, if improbably) believe that it is God's choice to BLESS a rape with a pregnancy, but who absolutely will not encountenance the idea that such a micromanaging god might also BLESS an abortion with a full-term live birth.
Make up your minds, please: Is it UP TO GOD or not?
Meanwhile, I imagine Sen. McCaskill is giving thanks to God for being blesses with such an idiot for an opponent.
As the RNC platform committee shows; what we shall henceforth call "The Akin Position" on abortion is, in fact the official position of the GOP. The other official position is; "We Don't Want Anybody Looking At Our Position". This shall henceforth be known as "The Un-Akin Position".
Or, as former Veep Dick Cheney said; "Shut The F$%^ Up".
"As ye sow, so shall ye reap?"
Bunch of Godless ignorant hypocrites.
So, you see, Todd Akin was right! Finding a back-alley aboritionist is that "thing a woman's body does to shut down that thing". Not the healthiest choice but, hey, the women (or girls) who end up with sepsis can always go to an emergency room (for Free! on Taxpayer money!) for treatment.
Calling pregnancy "that thing" kind of makes one wonder if Mr. Akin was making babies through a matched set of holes in the nightclothes, Puritan style.
"I'm proud of my position!"
"What is your position?"
"It's the position I'm proud of!"
Driving drunk: Bad Idea, but not at all unusual. Particularly for somebody who's just retired for "unspecified health reasons".
Leaving the scene: Very Bad Idea. This report didn't mention any injuries (physical injuries, that is). Less bad than it might have been
Interestingly, but nonseriously (since it is a more or less iconic element of the blasted tax code) NOW would indeed be an excellent time to phase out the mortgage interest deduction. Reason as follows: For those few who still have income sufficiently robust to be taxed at all; home prices and mortgage interest rates are quite low. When interest is deductible from taxable income, the REAL effect is for home buyers to add the presumed savings to the maximum value of home they look to buy. End result; buyers buy the most expensive home they can afford, with or WITHOUT the tax advantage. Ending the M I deduction will not make buying a home less affordable, it will effectively slow the rate of increase in home prices.
For those now paying a mortgage (lucky to have a home to live in, hope you can continue to afford it), the MI deduction needs to be retained. For new or refinanced mortgages, the MI deduction should be limited to the first 5 years. Five years hence, the deduction should be allowed for a still more limited time, and, eventually, stopped entirely.
NET EFFECT: the housing market will be less profitable to marketers, no change in affordability to buyers. It's already become unprofitable to the underwater owners, who just wish they could sell.
Ryan hunts Catholic deers?
And proud of it?
He has something against Mormon deers?
Such a fuss over platform language!
Consider how humorless the Taliban is - they seem to derive most of their satisfaction in life from blowing things up.
The GOP just wants to put the fun back in fundamentalism.
Just a speculation here: This will be a close election for many reasons. Not the least of which, sadly, is a poorly informed electorate. At the finish, I do suspect that a sufficient number of "Independent" voters will end up NOT voting for Gov. Romney simply because they realize they have NO IDEA why the fellow wants to be president.
He never managed to elucidate a clear purpose.
The simple (and usual) answer is, of course, that he wants to BE president, not that he wants to DO anything (except prove he's popular). This is, I think, the common situation. People want to be president of the US in the same way they want to be president of their senior class: Look! I'm President! I'm Popular!
I do not except Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Randisty, Perotistas, etc., from this
I think what happened was, President Nixon hoped that tossing some bones to those radical leftist Democrats would make them like him. They took what he offered, and still hated him. Sort of like what President Obama tried to do with the GOP. They took his extension of tax cuts, botching of Obamacare, etc,, and still they hate him.
So much for governing by consensus.
If Ike were to run over Disneworld, it would be God's punishment of homosexuals.
When Ike runs over the GOP convention, it's Gods Breath-of-Fresh-Air to inspire the faithful tea-folk.
suggest Gov. Romney trade you for your service? Maybe you could get a ride on Mrs. Romney's show horse. Or some yardwork from his ... 'guestworkers'...
Party platform committees are the back rooms where you put your most embarrassing major money contributors and failed local politicians. Keep them out of sight and (hopefully) out of mind. Let them vent their wierd concepts.
Reports on the contents of party platforms is a bit like reporting on "The 100 Strangest Laws In America." - fun to read, but under NO circumstances to be taken seriously.
Until, that is, the actual nominee starts to channel the wierdiosity. THEN it's time to worry.
I'm worried.
PERHAPS; when commenting on the contents of Rep. Ryan's speech, the commenters should comment ON THE CONTENTS OF his speech! Then, when V. P. Biden makes his speech, the commenters can comment ON THE CONTENTS OF his speech.
The notion that one ought to "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" or, in this case, the man on the podium, is simply disingenuous.
Rep. Ryan is today's "Intellectual Leader" of the GOP.
Replacing yesterday's Paul Wolfowitz - the mastermind architect of the Bush/Cheney middleast policy.
The deep thinkers of the Republican Party seem to favor a scorched-earth policy, both foreign AND domestically.
Or, perhaps they just don't actually think too deeply.
I challenged the lies in 2003. Not alone; I marched in the rally against the war (in San Francisco) BEFORE the Attack on Iraq. But yes, the consensus reporting in the media was that these protesters were naive - thinking that they could prevent President Bush from fulfilling his mandate to restore the lustre of his father's presidency. I said at the time I knew the protests would accomplish nothing. I was merely preserving my right to say "I Told You So!".
Even here in the United States, people are aware that factual statements aren't actually meant to be factual.
Just now, absolutiely out of the blue, I have made my decision! Based on that little graphic you put off to the right side of the page, on "Who do you trust more on spending?"
It's time to let go of Obama, and go back to the Republicans.
Their lips say "cut spending", but their hears say "give my friends huge no-bid contracts". Then, once again, "Deficits Won't Matter", and Republicans and Democrats will come together and spend spend spend. Let the good times roll!
I'm planning to buy lots of stock in Defense Contractors.
As soon as I can take out a new loan on my underwater home.
Proving that Republicans are better at governing than Democrats.
Same reasoning I used to decide that G. W. Bush "deserved" to win the 2000 election: His lawyers were able to steal votes in Florida WAY better than Al Gore's lawyers.
We need the most skillful... umm... selective fact users... we can find.
I really don't want to have to look at Gov. Romney's tax returns. My own returns are grim enough!
I DO, however, want to look at his birth certificate (since he mentioned it a few days ago): I want to know if his BC gives his name as Willard G. "Mitt" Romney.
If it doesn't, does he "admit" to using an alias? Why does he use an alias? Did he perhaps get a DUI in his youth?
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