Tuesday, June 08, 2004

How Paul Wolfowitz sees the world. Originally posted December 11, 2003

According to the latest report, Asstistant Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz has issued yet another ukase regarding Iraq. As ever, he is wrong in this one, as he has been in all the others. One can only speculate as to why it is appropriate for the United States Defense Department to be issuing ANY conditions regarding who can and who cannot contract to work in the (formerly) sovereign nation of Iraq. Is Mr. Wolfowitz finally acknowledging what many Iraqis, and many from other countries, have suspected all along: that Iraq is now, in fact, a wholly-owned fief of the United States?
The real belly laugh, though, is the wonderful logic shown by the statement “Every effort must be made to expand international cooperation in Iraq.” Mr. Wolfowitz proposes to expand international cooperation by LIMITING international cooperation. Clearly, Mr. Wolfowitz has learned the lessons of Newspeak as described so nicely by George Orwell. I believe Mr. Wolfowitz sees himself, however, as being Machiavellian, rather than Orwellian. He is wrong about this too.
There is also the chilling phrase “…encourage the expansion of international cooperation in Iraq AND IN FUTURE EFFORTS.” (emphasis mine). Where are these future efforts to take place? Are these anticipated invasions of independent nations also going to be for the purpose of distributing sweetheart contracts to friendly corporations? Be forewarned, Iran, Syria, North Korea. You might be next.
As I have noted before, it remains a mystery to me why the deficit-ridden American taxpayer continues to pay this ever bellicose man to continue his destructive ways.

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