Thursday, July 22, 2004

I guess I was wrong...

Okay, I give up. According to a report whose provenance I have misplaced, 20% (that's 1 in 5) of the people in the United States who have received spam email (that is to say, 20% of all Americans)... have made purchases via spam "opportunities". Incredible! No wonder those spammers aren't withering on the vine. I guess I was wrong when I claimed that spammers were people without redeeming qualities. If they add value to that many lives, then I think we need to reevaluate our efforts to curb them. If one in five decides as a result of those emails that there is something they need to purchase that they didn't know about before, we'd better not stifle those entrepreneurs of merchandising. Or, spammers.
I admit to being a little miffed though, when I put a block on, e.g. viagra, only to find email offering me an amazing opportunity to purchase v1agra, or perhaps vi@gra, or some like catenation of similar symbols. I don't really think that someone who receives such a solicitation is very likely to suddenly say: "OH, MY! I certainly would like to get some of that! I'm so happy they got past my filter!" But then, there is that 20%. That's about the same percentage of Americas that vote! So, therefore, I am going to stop railing against these pioneers of marketing, and be silent about their evil ways.
I still think those who click on spam should have their hard drive reformatted, though.

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