Thursday, July 08, 2004

The Runningmate

Well, I see that John Kerry has finally stopped playing Hamlet, and has selected a running mate. Senator Edwards was probably his best choice, since none of the others (the Republican excepted) has a lot of national recognition. Sen. Edwards, when he was running for the presidential nomination, was usually described as "an attractive candidate". I think this was generally a slighting reference to his appearance. Much like saying that Dan Quayle was an attractive candidate. I did hear Edwards doing a lot of interviews last fall, pretty much anywhere they'd have him. I thought he did pretty well. Rather than the usual litany of "I'm the best man for the job, my opponent is lame-o, vote for me!", he actually presented thoughts and ideas regarding the economy, education, social infrastructure, and the war. It sounded as though he had done some studying. No wonder he didn't make the cut.
When push comes to shove, most voters vote their emotion, rather than their mind. We'd all like to think that we consider the issues, then make a rational decision based on reasoned self interest. Actually, we mostly just vote for the guy we'd most like to lead us on the upcoming mammoth hunt. That's why modern campaigns look more like a jousting tournament than a debate. It's all a matter of which knight has the bigger lance.
Now, George Bush has been proud to show off the size of his lance, employing it all over the world, even in such out of the way places as the 'stans. In response, John Kerry has been forced to show old Vietnam War footage that shows the size of his lance. It's not certain, but I think maybe there's a statute of limitations on old lances. Or maybe it was when Kerry disavowed his military activities when he became, well, a militant. Anyway, it looks like a close election, one in which we can expect to see, or hear, a lot of high-decibel talk about whose lance is bigger.
Personally, I'd like to hear them talking about how to make the country better, but then I guess I'm just old-fashioned. Or naive.

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