Tuesday, September 21, 2004

In Pursuit of Big T

I see they're at it again with the tobacco companies. This time the government is taking BigTobacco to court for being evil slimy lying crooks. Which is accurate, I believe.
However, a few points really should be made here. I've said all this before, but don't think I ever found anyone with a sense of humor on this subject. Here's hoping!
One: I personally never bought any tobacco product from a "Tobacco Company", nor do I know anyone else who has. We bought our cigarettes from Safeway, from Thrifty, from convenience stores and liquor stores. They're the drug pushers - why doesn't the government go after them?
Two: This is a little bit metaphysical, so please bear with me. If someone tells you something, but you know it isn't true, are they lying to you? Well? The sound of one hand clapping. When I started smoking, and yes, I became addicted most likely with that first inhale, everybody KNEW cigarettes were bad. In my dorm when we wanted to bum a smoke we asked for a coffin nail, or a cancer stick. Gallows humor for youths who believed themselves immortal. I remember feeling vaguely sorry for old folk who had to quit smoking because their health was too frail to permit them to continue the pleasures of smoking tobacco.
The tobacco executives took an oath, then lied to congress. Are there any former tobacco addicts who will go to congress, take an oath, and then honestly say "I believed those tobacco people; I believed that those cancer sticks were harmless." Will people who so testify be prosecuted for (obvious) perjury? Or have their testimony struck for being too doofus to be believed?
Three: This is pretty much all window dressing anyway. Past behvior indicates that the tobacco companies will simply reduce the amount they pay the tobacco growers (another group not being pursued legally) by the amount they are being penalized, and the government will use the money collectd from the tobacco companies to subsidize the tobacco growers so they won't go broke. Or, so they'll vote for the incumbent. Instead of the money going from smoker to store to marketer to grower, now the money will be rerouted through the federal government; in effect making all of us stakeholders in BigTobacco. How's it feel to be profiting from a deadly drug?
I just recalled: on October 11 I will be sixteen years smoke free; except for the smoke my government blows in my face.

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