Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Let's Talk!

The Great Presidential Debate of ought-4 is about to begin. For me, the broadcast time will be early Friday morning. An ideal time to watch. Before breakfast. It's not certain, but I'm guessing that the actual content of the candidate's statements will be as near zero as makes no difference. Likewise the media post-mortem analyses. The prognosticators will ignore what was said, not said, should have been said but wasn't, shouldn't have been said but was; all in favor of deconstructing the appearance, tone, and facial tics of the candidates. Entirely form over substance, in other words. After inspecting the entrails, the high priests of teevee will pronounce a 'winner'. Not, one guesses, the American voter.
Oddly, I believe this a-logical focus is not inappropriate. The sad fact is, even as evolved as we suppose ourselves to be, we really don't apply logic to our selection of a leader, or vote our own best interests. We go with our gut instinct. At the end, what we are really looking for is the man (yes, man, not woman) who we trust most to lead us to success in the Mammoth Hunt. Or the raid on the next tribe over.
All of which explains why political campaigns look the way they do; schoolground exercises in bluffing. Snorting and pawing the ground. Sometimes colloquially referred to as 'weenie-wagging contests'. I can't wait to see it!

Hua Mei
Oh; congratulations Hua Mei, on becoming a mother of twins! Here's an impossibly cute baby picture of Hua Mei in San Diego, where she was born.

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