Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Campaigning --- in Florida?

I see that Sen. Kerry has been campaigning in Florida.

Kerry Campaigning
That's really a shame. A waste of time and resources that could be put to better use elsewhere. As it stands, he has as much chance of getting an honest count in the State of Bush as Richard Nixon had of getting an honest count from Mayor Daly in Cook County in 1960. The fix is in. The Florida deck is so frozen the oranges are trying to flee north.
If the Senator wants to capture Florida's electors, he'd better be prepared to hire a ton of lawyers to file suit in every precinct in the state, asking to have the ballots sequestered for a total hand-and-eyeball recount.
Oops. Sorry. forgot, there are no ballots! If you really want, Senator, you can look at the computers we used for the count. Best we can do. At least, you know, we don't have any of those pesky chads this time!

Superman is dead...

Christopher Reeve died on Sunday. Too soon.
I admired Mr. Reeve. As I admire anyone willing to invest himself (or herself) so completely in carrying a message to those in need of hearing it. Whether they want to her it or not.
You were very eloquent. I'm sorry you didn't get to walk again. We will all miss you.

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