Thursday, December 30, 2004


The tsunami that hit nearby last week seems likely to end up causing more deaths even than the United States, or perhaps I should say the Coalition Forces, will manage in Iraq before they finally throw in the towel and depart. Hopefully sometime before the arrival of the next century.
In times of such large disasters (the tsunami, not the invasion of Iraq) a lot of people ask why. "Why is God doing this to me?" asks a Hindu woman in Tamil Nadu. "Its because of all the evil in the world" says a priest in England. "God likes to remind people of His power" replies a rabbi from the safety of his schul in Scandinavia. A much more intelligent rabbi (in my opinion), in Oregon, says God doesn't do things like this - go with the scientific explanation instead.
For the most part its easy to predict what some of our more prominent leaders will say. Here goes.
Pat Robertson: It's because of all the homosexuals and abortionists.
Osama bin Laden: It's because of all the Christians and Jews.
President Bush: It's because of Saddam Hussein.
Tony Blair: It's because people aren't listening to President Bush.
Colin Powell and Crown Prince (Jeb) Bush, the two special experts on disasters who are visiting the stricken area, will doubtlessly return a verdict of... WMD. It was WMD that caused the Indian Ocean Tsunami.

WMD - a term so bandied about that it is almost certain to become the punch line for an entire generation of bad jokes.
"Timmy is sick today; he has a fever and diharrea." "He probably ate too many WMD last night."
"The US economy unexpectedly shrank last month." "Economists blame it on an 18 per cent drop in consumer purchase of WMD."
"I lost my job, and can't find a new one." "That's probably because the WMD manufacturers are moving production overseas, to India, China and, of course, Iraq."

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