Thursday, May 12, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me!

This blog is one year old!

Some numbers in the news indicate that there are some seven million bloggers (thus, some seven million blogs) in what has cleverly been called "Blogspace". Maybe 7.1 million since I started writing this. Given the nature of folk, especially of geeks, that probably means there are some millions of orphan blogs - weblogs that got started, then abandoned. All in all, this is probably a good thing. Since I started posting here, I find myself embroiled in isssues of coherence. I am prone to interrupt my plain old ordinary thinking and begin trying to structure my thoughts in blogspeak. I think this is not a good thing. This morning, as I was beginning the day, I realized I'd been posting here for a year, and immediately thought about how I could say something about how I'd been posting for a year. Talking about talking. Thinking about thinking. Much in the way that, when holding a camera, one changes from being a viewer of scenes to being in a sense a servant of one's camera, looking for photographic capturability (or words to that effect).
I have a funny feeling that bloggers (not necessarily writers, but bloggers at least) end up somehow feeling impelled to go global with their thoughts. Say something cosmic. At least for me, I wind up adding more and more sidebars to whatever original topic I started with. Mixing my metaphors, so to speak.

And I'm not alone. Check out this site: Micky Kaus is probably Blogger One in blogspace. He even has his URL on Drudge Report. Though, if Matt Drudge considers himself to be a blogger, perhaps he is Blogger1. Or, perhaps we have already progressed to metaBlogging. I don't know. Here, you see, I've fallen into my own mixed metaphor.
So, while my blog has not yet become an orphan - Happy Birthday To Me!

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