Saturday, April 30, 2005

The Ministry of Disinformation

According to an article posted by the Associated Press in todays paper, the US is warning that the increase in bombings and killings in Iraq is a "desperate attempt ... to discredit the newly formed Iraqi government." Also some words about "mostly directed against innocent Iraqi civilians", and "failing attempts". According to the body count (We Don't Do Body Counts: Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, U.S. Army, 2004), the numbers show fifteen Iraqi soldiers and 5 civilians. The American army spokesman can't count, apparently. Or else he's in the grip of the governments disinformation campaign.
The campaign that makes claims like, for instance: "Democracy Is On The Move."
Claims like: The Iraqi government is a democratic institution, where in reality every job in the government is allocated based on the religious or ethnic identity of the aspirant. That kind of government used to be called a theocracy. But then, the theocracy in Washington, D.C. thinks it's a democracy.
Claims like: The Iraqis have a right to choose their own destiny." As opposed to the destiny being dictated by Halliburton, et. al.
Claims like: "It was a tough decision, but I had to take it." (Tony Blair, British PM, 2005). Where tough, in this case means Really Stupid". PM Blair proudly announces that he made the wrong decision, but it was all right, because it was very hard on his brain.
Claims like: "The Iraqi people are beginning to see the benefits of a free society." (George W. Bush, United States President, 2005). Nobody asked George what, in his opinion, those benefits were.
It's really too bad that Paul Wolfowitz found new employment at the World Bank. He could have made better use of his talents as the Minister of Disinformation. The government needs a higher class of disinformation, and Wolfowitz is full of it. So is the president, but he already has a job in the government.

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