Saturday, December 31, 2005

At Years End

Just a few quick comments to top up your tank for the trip into 2006. Have a safe journey!
The Bush administration, in another of its now standard responses to real world events, is having the Department of Justice investigate the illegal leak informing us about the illegal wiretaps the President was using to ... Well, I'm not really sure what he was using them for. In general, the 'security agencies' attract a large percentage of paranoid psychotics - those who think doing secret stuff is neato. Much like the all-male 'celibate' Catholic priesthood is attractive to men who feel dirty about their sexuality. Don't hold your breath waiting for the DOJ to investigate the real crime. I wouldn't wait for the Congress to do much either.
In a parallel activity, someone outed the NSA regarding their illegal tracing of visitors to their website by way of cookies. The NSA responded by saying it was all a mistake. Apparently they'd rather be thought of as bozos than as crooks. I once had a sort of NSA-related job, and I'm quite ready to believe in their bozo-dom. They're still engaged in a massive criminal conspiracy, though. It's the nature of the beast (see paragraph 1 above).
Bill Frist is running for President. I guess I should have included him here

Just to let you know that corrupt politics isn't restricted to any single continent, here's what happened last week in S.E. Asia:
The effects of the Boxing Day Tsunami here in Thailand are where the rich Bangkokians are forcing out the survivors. Redefining land ownership so there'll be places to build new 5-star hotels where there used to be bamboo shacks. Put up seawalls to protect this area, thus wiping out the beach in that area. The actual people who lived in Phang Na, and the people who went there to help, had a memorial on the 25th, because they couldn't go to the festivities on the actual anniversary, where the politicians and the businessmen were showing off the newer bigger better tourist area to tourists. Lots of nice (read expensive) hotel rooms, lots of fine (read expensive) restaurants, lots of stylish (read expensive) shops. There was no room at the memorial. A fitting Christmas story.
Again, have a safe journey into 2006, and watch out for icebergs.

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