Sunday, December 04, 2005

Lets Wring Our Hands

Not about the United States operating secret torture facilities.
Lets protest about
  • ..."Last week (UK Foreign Secretary Jack) Straw wrote to
    (US Secretary of State Condoleeza) Rice asking for clarification about some 80 flights by CIA planes that have passed through the UK. European politicians and human rights groups claim the flights and use of a network of secret jails breach international law." (The Observer (UK), December 4, 2005). OH! NO! Flying prisoners over our airspace! Go ahead, bust 'em; torture 'em; kill 'em. Just don't involve US! We here in the UK (and elsewhere) have to maintain "plausible deniability" after all, or the voters will just do terrible things to us.
    How weenie is that? Don't concern yourself with what's real, just what people can see. Very British. "Just don't do it in the street; it might frighten the horses."

    Apparently, Ms. Rice is planning to tell the frightened europols to pound sand. Remind them they are co-conspirators now, and we (the current administration in Washington DC) have the goods on them. If they try to back out now, they'll be shifted from the Friend-O-Bush list to The Not-With-Us-Against-Us list. We'll fire their asses.
    Knowing this lady's propensity for hyperbole (mushroom cloud; remember?), I would guess she'd be whispering in their ears about their own little lapses in the strictest upholding of human rights. And I hope, for the multiple billions we spend in intelligence activities, and considering we didn't have the goods on Iraq, we surely must have some interesting intel on the UK, and other "Coalition of the Willing" countries. Probably have stuff on France and Germany, too, but since they made the decision not to throw in with the bellicose G.W Bush, they can consider themselves well out of it.

    Speaking of the President - I wonder if he still has this banner. If so, when does he plan to fly it above the podium again? Oh, that's right; when Iraq is a peaceful democratic country - or when pigs fly. Whichever comes first.

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