Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Piling On

In yet-another-Profile-In-Courage... Former George W. Bush appointee Richard Carmona, Surgeon General from 2003- 2006, proudly averred that he had permitted himself to be censored by the administration's mind police (NY Times, July 10).
What kept this revelation unheard 'til now? Was the good doctor prevented even from saying he was being censored? Or was it Big Payday induced timidity?
I think it was H.L. Mencken who said something about people remaining quiet so long as their paychecks depend on it.
There's a lot of people in government who are like that, it seems(Franksmaunderings, 15 Feb 2005). In business too, I'll warrant. Like all those poor innocent Enron executives who were, just like the rest of us Shocked! when they were told about the blatant illegality of their blatantly illegal activities.
A suggestion: Let's have all the former high-ranking government officials get together and elect one mouthpiece to step forward and (ahem) expose himself (or herself, if you wish). Bear the anguish for all of them. It's really not an edifying sight/sound to hear this same bathetic story endlessly repeated. And in such an obviously self-serving way.

Monday, July 09, 2007

I'd like to call your attention to

The Babel Fish link over on the side bar. Give it a try - let me know if perhaps I read better in another language! Couldn't hurt.

The New, The Improved!...

Seven Wonders of the World!

In a wondrous exhibition of self-promotion, the New7Wonders organization today (07-07-07) announced its selection of seven "candidates to represent global heritage". Seven Wonders. Whose heritage, and why the previous seven wonders were no longer appropriate is not knowable. The point of it all is most likely to try to vector a few additonal feeble-minded tourists to those particular destinations. The self-appointed annointers of the new wonders had a worldwide election. Everyone could vote if they wished. Everyone, that is, with access to a computer or to a mobile phone. As it turns out, the franchise has a pretty steep poll tax The 50% or so of the people who have no access even to electricity, well, you're out of luck.
Some of the new designees were pretty much slam dunks. There is, for instance, the Great Wall of China, the largest structure ever created by man. Apparently, looking at the seven wonders, one requirement of wondrousness is that it had to have been man-made. Creations of God, sorry, don't count. Anyway, the Great Wall, which certainly is Great, wasn't actually built to be a tourist destination. It was built to defend china from Invading Mongol Hordes. As such, it proved a failure, as do all such walls. Perhaps the Great Wall of Israel, which likewise fails in its stated purpose of deterring violent incursions, will someday take its place among the NewNew7Wonders!
Then there's the Taj Mahal. Also a surefire winner. Also winner, Most Phallic Structure Ever Created. From some photos, it's possible to count as many as 17, count 'em 17 penises, all thrusting proudly upward! Clearly, the old Maharaj was somewhat of a braggart. But, after 200 years, who's to say if he was trying to compensate for, let us say, a slight flaccidity in his persona. Perhaps the marblelike quality of the Great Phalli of the Taj Mahal do no more than reflect the upthrusting quality of the man himself. In any case, the Ranee is well serv(ic)ed in her crypt.
All in all, it looks like a good set of wondrous, if man-made, destinations. At the very least, I can hope it'll make the places I go to a little bit less crowded.

Friday, July 06, 2007

In An Amazing Development...

... Crypto-Republican

Joe Lieberman

announces, in his crypto-message manner "I'm Running For Vice!"
Yes, we know Joe, you're really a "Moderate Democrat" at heart. It's all those bleeding heart liberals, like your former running-mate and stepping-stone-to-the-White-House,

Al Gore
(in his slimmer political fighting trim days);
and former Democratic candidate for your Senate seat

Ned Lamont
Who are causing the problems in this country. The nay-sayers are balking at those obvious steps we have to take to make this country secure. The same actions that, over time, are certain to provide secure borders and a prosperous future for Israel, for example. That is to say; Bomb Iran! And any other country that seems to pose an impediment to the Imperial Republic of America. Just because it hasn't worked so far is no proof that the next bombing run won't fix everything to our entire satisfaction. If not that bomb, then perhaps the next one. News Bulletin: Your Ability To Control Events Is Much Less Than You Imagine! Those @#$% people will persist in disobeying your every wish.


hoping to catch the attention of potential Potomac Fever infected and now neo-Independent rich guy New York Mayor

Michael Bloomberg;

Joe (Ain't God Great!) Lieberman announces he is of a naturally independent mind about the presidential possibles in '08. Heck, he might even vote for an independent candidate! Give the man this; he is certainly an optimist! About as toxic a politician as there is, outside the White House, it's completely certain that nobody is going to seek out Lieberman for a running mate. More likely, they'll be lining up to pay him off to NOT endorse them!