Monday, October 13, 2008

Ancient Tmes

The Connecticut State Supreme Court says "Gays Can Marry". An increasingly acceptable ruling, it seems. CT is now state number three to rule thus. But then, in a dissenting opinion, Justice Peter T. Zarella said, incredibly, "The ancient definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman has its basis in biology, not bigotry,"! Now I find this disquieting. I, and I think most people, think of judges as being knowledgeable, studious, thoughful people. Of Good Judgement, as it were. Perhaps I'm wrong in thinking Mr. Justice Zarella is an unschooled idiot. Perhaps the problem is semantic. The justice has a different definition of "Ancient" than me. So, let's see if we can infer what "ancient" means to Mr. Justice Zarella. It could hardly mean Biblical Times. That was the time of Solomon, who famously had a thousand wives. Probably not exactly 1,000. Most likely a thousand was used to mean "A LOT". Of course, having a lot of wives back then didn't mean a lot of marriage-for-love weddings. It meant that you were rich and powerful, and other rich-and-powerful guys wanted to ally themselves with you. There was a brisk trade in daughters and sisters going on. Not likely there were many multi-wife orgies going on, either. Sexual activity was more likely to be between one man and one concubine, or perhaps with one harlot. Perhaps occasionally with one fluteboy. Those were the times when women were treated as chattel. Somewhat related to cattle. Property, in both cases. Women had no separate societal or economic identity apart from their father, their husband, their son or their husbands son, successively.
In more recent ancient times, Rama V (Chulalongkorn), the King Of Siam and great grandfather (I think) of the current King, had at one time or another one hundred fifty eight wives. Rama V also had a lot of Elephants. He offered some of his finest Combat Elephants to President Lincoln to help during the Civil War. This was back in the nineteenth century; when the King OF Siam was still officially a God. Again, I suppose, this could not be considered as "ancient times".
In Modern Times, of course, we practice Serial Monogamy, or, one man and one woman (at a time).
So, looking back and looking ahead, I confess I'm unable to decipher Mr. Justice Zarella's meaning when he says "Ancient". I'm also uncertain what he means when he uses the word "Biology", come to think of it. Perhaps he's talking about his own biology. Wonder how often Judge and Mrs. Zarella procreate these days...

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