Friday, October 03, 2008

Master of the Non Sequitur

... Is Candidate Palin. Here's an interesting view she expressed in the Alaska Daily News: '...Palin said she had been "annoyed" in her interviews with CBS News anchor Katie Couric and had been caught off guard when asked what newspapers and magazines she read and to name Supreme Court decisions she disagreed with - questions Palin appeared not to be able to answer. Her responses, Palin said, were "an indication of being outside that Washington elite, outside of the media elite also."...'
Well, yes. I guess. Who among us, saving only the Washington Elite can name the newspapers, or news sources generally, where we garner our information?
Other than that, the Vice Presidential Debate was unsurprising. There were some pre-debate attacks on Moderator Ifill, attempting to cast her as a Tool Of The Media Elite, but, steady professional that she is, that charge didn't fly. Actually, I thought Gwen Ifill would pose more interesting questions, but i guess the universe of possible questions is pretty small - especially in the canned-response-to-a-pseudo-debate-question format. Which is what these "Debates" are.
Lots of stress tones in Candidate Palins voice, but that's hardly a surprise.
Passing Little content - also not surprising.

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