Thursday, December 18, 2008

For Every Problem...

There's A Solution that's simple, obvious, and wrong. Here's one that seems clearly obvious (well, to me, at least).
Here's the situation: As the year winds down and the time Congress reconvenes approaches, the Senate is in a bit of disarray. NO; That isn't the problem. The problem is that one state (Illinois) is short a Senator, while a near neighbor state (Minnesota) has one too many. WELL! What could be simpler. In the newfound, though sure to be short-lived spirit of collegiality, Minnesota could lend one of its surplus senators to Illinois! It's probably not a goood idea at this time to let Gov. Blagojevich, he of lets-make-a-deal fame, become involved in the process at this time. In the spirit of Keep-It-Simple-Stupid, I suggest a coin toss.
After all these ponderuous matters of "spoilt ballots" (one Minnesota ballot was disqualified because the voter used a smiley instead of filling in the circle - how much more clearly could a preference be stated?!) are resolved, the finally-victorious Senator-Elect from Minnesota could, if he was lent out, be repatriated, and Illinois left, if still a Senator short, at least no worse off. Perhaps the Senator-on-Lend-Lease would have enjoyed the time so much as to decide to run in the eventually-to-be-decided-upon special election. Actually, I may have overquoted H. L. Mencken above; I don't think this solution is wrong at all. Just unusual; and possibly illegal. That doesn't seem to be much of an impediment when Illinois politics are involved though.

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