Sunday, December 07, 2008


India seems intent on blaming Pakistan for the terrorist attack on Mumbai. At first it seemed as though Indian Government was upset that the Indian terrorists were setting up training camps in Pakistan instead of India, as they usually do. Perhaps they were getting tax breaks or something from the Pakistani Government. But no! Feeling the heat from their pallid response to the attacks on high-profile targets, Indian officials decided to blame the Perpetually-Failing-State of Pakistan. Trying to distract attention from the fact that the Indian Government, no great shakes, itself, hasn't been too successful at preventing terrorist activity, either. In fact, judging by the somewhat amazing Charge/Countercharge going on, both of these parties seem intent on finding a Casus Belli, allowing them to substitute a nice little border war for anything resembling actual responsible governance.
Seems almost Bushian in the way it's being played out:
Step One: Find a Scapegoat.
Step Two: Attack!
Step Three: Blame "Faulty Intelligence" for your continuing failures...

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