Friday, September 04, 2009


On September 8. Best if you keep The Children away from school. That awful pretend president Barack "Hussein" Obama will be transmitting evil liberal-socialist-nazi brainwaves into the schools, infecting all the innocent youngsters.
Obama goes back to school. Yes; along with keeping them away from the brainwashing sites, probably best to also fit them out with tinfoil hats - wellknown for blocking mindcontrol thoughts from aliens and secret-muslim-radical-fake-presidents alike!
As the ever-alert Jim Greer (chairman of the Republican Party of Florida pointed out: "The address... obligates the youngest children in our public school system to agree with our President's initiatives or be ostracized by their teachers and classmates."
WOW! How dare he!
Considering that the Redoubtable Mr. Greer is from Florida, one wonders if he was present in the school where, on Sept. 11 2001 then-President George "W." Bush was reading to The Children. Of course, nobody has ever suggested that George W. Bush had any thoughts to broadcast!
Perhaps it's a sort of Right-Handed compliment to President Obama to worry that he'll seduce all those promising innocent young potential Republican Voters into becoming eeeeuww! Liberals!
He must be a pretty persuasive guy, to be able to instruct The Children in a few minutes, when their honest hard-working family-values conservative christian parents can't even get 'em to pick up after themselves!

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