Monday, November 02, 2009


Sometimes, I find myself taking a too-apocalyptic view of the world. When I catch myself at this, I find it's good to step back, and remember that the world is full of wonderful and beautiful things.
Don't mistake me: the Apocalypse is on its way. But just because it's all going to end doesn't mean it's all to no purpose. Tonight, here in the Land of Smiles, there's a marvelous celebration. Unlike in more Christian places, it's a celebration of life, rather than of death. Here we celebrate Loy Krathong, instead of All Souls Day. It's much nicer, really, to float a Krathong on the river than to walk around a graveyard. At least so I think.

Here's a video I made a couple of years back, in Suan Lumpini, the park in the center of Bangkok that hasn't quite been concreted over yet.
Anyway, Enjoy!

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