Thursday, August 26, 2010

If I Were Glenn

I'd be leery of setting myself up to be compared to Dr. King. The lachrymose, saccharine, Glenn Beck is just not a very dynamic figure, except, of course to the persistently and insistently uninformed sort who "Just Sorta Know" when something's not right. I refer, of course to Sarah Palin, the leader of the Know-Nothing Movement, masquerading as the Tea Party patriots, or some variant thereof. I do confess, in these uncertain times, it can be a great relief to be absolutely certain of your (and your leader's) righteousness. Still, Faux News and its stable of odd comentators seems an unlikely place to find a fair and unbiased evaluation of the day's events. Herewith, Glenn's plan for August 28: Restoring Honor, or "Beckapalooza", according to some naysaying critics.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Absurdities In The News:

... John Boehner

"Sees ongoing economic uncertainty" (In a speech to the City Club of Cleveland, Boehner said Obama needs to act immediately on several fronts to break what the Republican describes as "ongoing economic uncertainty." ) AP, August 24.
"...called on President Obama Wednesday to fire his economic team." (House Republican leader John Boehner Tuesday called on President Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts, fire his economic team, and listen to the fears and “entrenched uncertainty” that is stalling job growth on Main Street." ) Christian Science Monitor, August 24.
His reasoning for the latter? Apparently it's because the President's economic team sees an unusual level of uncertainty in the economy. In other words, either they stole Boehner's forecast, or he stole theirs!


PepsiCo, maker of carbonated soft drinks and oily-salty potato and corn chips, is launching a marketing campaign to convince people that they sell healthy food (PepsiCo, largely known for junk-food brands such as Doritos and Pepsi, is setting out to triple its sales of healthier products in the next decade.) AP, August 24.


"Vonage Mobile"is a free app that lets you make "free phone calls": ( Apparently, if you opt for this, your Smart Phone, your WiFi, and your 3G services will no longer cost you anything. Its all Free!. (But I wouldn't make book on this last claim).

I leave additional examples (of which there is no lack) as an exercise for the reader.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

There's Too Much

Outofdate stuff on this blog. It is, after all, six years old. My thesis, that "I Could Be Wrong" has been well demonstrated. However, I do think that some of my more {ahem} inspired Maunderings have stood the test of a short period of time. Therefore, I've gone back over the rambling discourses; if you can call them that, and reposted a few of them here: The Best Of Frank Maunder .
Take a look, if you've a mind. It's a lot easier than trying to sort through all the odds and ends on your own (unless you'd really rather do that). Enjoy!
F. Maunder, Prop.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

The Cynics Among Us

..., Including me, might simply say there's really no point in spending time and money gathering current information about the earth's meteorological state, if you have no intention of using it (Dimmer view of Earth). Ultimately, it can only be used by others as ammunition to illustrate how deeply and completely you abandoned your duty to properly care for the welfare of the country. And the planet. Best to just cripple the ability for the EOS (Earth Observing Satellite) system to measure state-of-the-earth data.
Or, a more earthy person might point out that, since politically and culturally there is absolutely no will whatsoever to do anything about the devastation of the planet, You Can't Fatten a Steer By Weighing It. So why waste the effort?

Sunday, August 01, 2010

More Proof

..., If any were necessary, that Society has evolved much faster than Mankind: A hundred years ago, when people used a wall-mounted phone to make a long distance call, they tended to speak louder, to overcome the dissipating effects of distance. Today, however, everybody has a Mobile Phone (Cell Phone, in the USA). Even with a SmartPbone though, people still shout when they talk at long distance. Wouldn't a truly evolved talker know that his phone was smart enough to make the needed amplification adjustment for the distance involved?
No, even the smartest of smart phones is actually not much more than a shiny can-on-a-string to its proud (but unevolved) owner.