Thursday, November 01, 2012

More W-P Comments: October 2012

IF those "Worthless IOUs from Treasury" truly are worthless, you have a much larger problem than lack of retirement funds. You need to have a way to avoid the major war going on in the street outside your front door!
RRRash1 is so correct, one wonders why this all seems so arcane. If thngs worked better then, why not try the things that worked better then? Why keep trying to do the things that haven't worked?
"Government Waste Is Rampant". YES! We can balance the budget by cutting that infamous "Waste And Fraud". Just like we have been doing for years and years. Make certain that there remains not one single Welfare Queen to lay waste to our budget. That will leave us with trillion$ in surplus. Even if the ferreting out of Ms. Welfare Queen costs yet more trillion$.
If we elect the Republican candidate, we can return to those glory years when "Deficits Don't Matter". Problem solved.
Why does maxineo12 waste her time with "news" like this? ONLY OUTCOMES MATTER, yes? Only report on past events.
If this is what happens with "trickle-down" then there must be something odd about gravity in the vicinity of Wall Street.
Remember, though; It's okay to "Explode the Deficit". Because if the president is a Republican, "Deficits Don't Matter".
They ARE talking to hicks and uneducated people. It all started with Sputnik. It became absolutely imperative that we drop all instruction in civics, ethics, art, etc. so that we can raise everybody to be a mathematician. I Know! We'll turn all the music and gym teachers into math and physics teachers. That's how we'll win the cold war!
Pretty much like destroying the village to save it.
Certainly NOT craven. Bold, unheeding, dopey, brainless. Not craven though, no.
By "Toyota", I would imagine you are referring to "Toyota of America". The company that builds cars and trucks in the United States. And you also seem to think it preferable that those GM and Ford workers NOT pay taxes but rather subsist on *taxpayer funded* unemployment.
Good thinking!
But - If Gov. Romney becomes President, then, once again, just like in the Good Old Days, "Deficits Won't Matter".
BECAUSE DEFICITS DON'T MATTER! (If the president is a Republican).
It's not a problem. Rep. Akin can't figure out how to cause a pregnancy, obviously.
"In 1979, Chicago physician Arnold Bickham had his state medical license suspended after he acknowledged defrauding the federal government."
OK: Thirty four years ago, a doctor performed an "abortion" on a woman who wasn't pregnant. AND, the doctor lost his license. I am sure there are many many doctors who are willing to risk their licenses and their entire futures, just to fake an abortion in order to screw the government out of a couple hundred dollars. I got to say - that tells me there's a lot of really stupid doctors!
Rep. Akin should get a second opinion.
Yep. Sen. Brown (R. - MA) went trolling for a date by revealing his a$$ets in a soft-porno ladies mag. But I think there's a statute of limitations on that sorta foolishness.
IonOtter is certainly correct about the net fisheries. Bottom trawls have the capability to completely destroy structure. The structure their fisheries depend on for sustainablility. But the "need" to be the highline fisher overcomes the awareness of the self-destruction the fleet is doing. Then too, there IS the mortgage. Hard to leave any fish if there's some hope that they can help pay todays bills.
That "upward trend" in catch figures is mostly accomplished by increasing effort on fish stocks that were previously ignored as trash. They replace the depleted, sometimes perhaps beyond recovery, more desireable species. Check out the reports on the Grand Banks fisheries.
The farms are environmentally unsound in the same way that massive monoculture agribusiness is unsound. Destroying an entire estuary by putting salmon netpens in it is UNSOUND. Blocking an inlet to fill the impoundment with shrimp, destroying all else in the process is UNSOUND.
A catch limit per fishing permit acts as an inducement for the permit holder to reduce his bycatch for those species for which he is limited.
Hardly illogical.
Decision: Watch a staged and possibly scripted comedy show, or watch a staged and possibly scripted mock combat show.
"Big Football Game".
I think that was aimed as an insult to Bill O'Reilly. He certainly would not want to be considered level-headed. Might cost him his job!
Gov. Romney decided to show his "softer side" by talking about dead people? OK. It certainly seems to work for Piers Morgan, that dreadfully dull replacement for a previous dreadfully dull interviewmeister on CNN. I guess people who spend their days watching utter fantasy soaps like to spend their evenings listening to parents and friends of dead people talk about the book they had ghosted about their dead friend.
I can accept that as a grim sort of entertainment, but as a qualifying characteristic of a presidential candidate, no! No way! I think I just decided: I will vote for the first candidate that actually says something about some actual issue. But, I won't be holding my breath.
COGNAC? Did the LDS Church know about this? Was he excommunicated for drinking alcohol? Or, is Samster unaware of the absolute prohibition on alcohol?
"A Vast Wasteland"
Hope "nifty" doesn't get his inbox overflowed! Also, hope he, I mean they, don't get busted.
Maybe they could also make an *exception* for those who are terminally ill and not expected to be able to vote on Tuesday. And how about jurors who might be sequestered on Tuesday? And how about ANY OTHERS who might be required to be *deployed* outside their voting precinct? How about just let the voters vote, and stop trying to parse things to favor one group?
Political theater makes my stomache ache.
It's true: Obama certainly does not *look* like a *real* president. Just look at all those pictures of our former presidents. Old White Guys. No others need apply.
Why should Gov. Romney tell you about his plan? It would just give you a chance to complain about it!
In the spirit of Sen. Joseph ("I Have A List") McCarthy, candidate Romney should keep the voters in the dark. They have NO NEED to know what's in the sausage. Or in the Kool-Aid
I really can't recall a moment in the recent past when Chris Matthews WASN'T complaining. Other than when he was interrupting anyone he was supposedly "interviewing".
Judging by the educational level of todays electorate, perhaps banning Big Bird and Sesame Street would be a GOOD idea.
As to @justmyvoice: MY company never got a tax break for depleting our resource. We just got shut down for it.
Lockeed (aptly referred to as The Lazy L) won't lay anybody off. They'll just flood K Street with satchels of money to bribe congress to start a new program. Son Of Advanced Tactical Fighter, or something like that.
@Raven_Hawk: I think education is a truly worthwhile endeavor. What evidence can you produce to show that today's adult population has been educated? An educated electorate would not allow the lies, evasions, misstatements mischaracterizations and misconstructions of the current political theater to stand.
Just the very thing we are looking for: Belief-based tax reform. Fortunately, if we can just elect the Republican, we can return to that storied time when "Deficits Don't Matter". Cut those taxes! Invade More Middle-east Countries!
"I lose money on every sale, but I make up for it in volume." (Mad Man Muntz)
"Defies Logic"? Sorry phosgene (cool ID!); no logic need apply. Always remember: If the deficit goes up, we can reduce it by cutting waste and fraud. Always, always, cut that waste and fraud.
"Lower rates lead to increased receipts". Yes they do, when the government borrows more to pay more defense contractors, who have more money to pay more taxes on. Talk about a Ponzi scheme: Get tax money back from the money you borrowed and spent on the military-industrial-contractors.
Just think: The State Department could have hired Blackwater to do for Libya what they accomplished in Iraq. Namely, shoot everything that moves.
Making friends and influencing people, worldwide.
"Everybody believes in Freedom - They just want a little more of it for themselves."
Ahh, wonderful quote from the "Thoughts of Rep. Akin (R. - MO). Only, I don't see it as even a matter of sentient thought. How does one even begin to parse this late night ramble to discover any sense? "...the thing there.": Is he referring to "That Thing" that women can allegedly "Shut Down"?
And, what topic was he staying on?
Thanks for unearthing this odd essay CuiBono!
What "regime change"? Years of destruction, followed by a protracted civil war, ending in a replacement brutal thug dictator...
This notion that killing a dictator will automatically cause the rise of democracy is so crazy I cant even....
The normal replacement for a king is the king's more warlike cousin.
Actually, that was just President Reagan reprising Governor Reagan's great success in shutting down the mental hospital system in California. Resulting in downtown SF looking, today, like a poorly run mental ward.
But hey, "those people" need to learn "personal responsibility", don't they?
Though, I am here guilty of simplifying a complicated issue. There are a lot of things going on that are labelled "Mental Problems", and there needs to be a lot of ways to try to respond.
If only there were a Jacob Marley, ready to do his job in the various Scrooge households.
I am amazed to discover that Governor Reagan was a LIBERAL!
"(Harvard economist Martin Feldstein) says it’s possible to finance Romney’s tax cuts fully by closing loopholes and deductions, but only if you raise taxes on those households with incomes between $100,000 and $200,000."
Thus: A Tax Cut that's funded by a Tax Increase.
No wonder Economics is known as "The Dismal Science".
I really don't like the idea of Gov. Romney making a profit from being President. Just more US dollars being shipped to the Cayman Islands.
If Lt. Calley'd had one of these things, they never would laid a glove on him! My Lai? What's that? Never heard of it.
Waste 'em all1 Without a trace.
Hard to post a "Like" for what you say, true as it is. Amazing how often the USA has had to "defend" itself since WWII.
"If elected, I promise to create Gender Equality in the Muslim world" W. "Mitt" Romney, 22 Oct. 2012.
And, as we know, he "Knows What It Takes".
Now if only he would just let the rest of us know What It Takes.
I am a little confused though: How does he propose to create gender equality in the middleeast? Why doesn't he start by creating it in the United States? Or in the LDS Church?
Talk is cheap, Gov. Tell us about your record.
A 2012 Los Angeles class Submarine is actually just a low-riding 1917 Gunboat.
",,, wants to turn the economy around." Yep, the problem with the economy is that rich people don't have enough money. THAT's why poor people are poor.
Only RICH corporations have more rights. Same as RICH *real* people.
Do you s'pose some sports talking head will ask Mr. Griffin: "Have you always been a black quarterback?"
I thought Mr. Justice Clarence Thomas was supposed to be the "Positive Role Model" for young black men.
But, come to think of it, his won/lost record isn't very inspiring...
The polls do seem a bit odd. Shifts occurring seemingly unattached to any observable cause. I posit that there's a larger than usual number of pollees who simply, out of irritation at being called at dinnertime, say the first name that comes to mind. Or, just lie.
In 2008, the pollsters were concerned that there might be some portion of the polling public that would say "Obama" when they actually meant "Not the Black Man". They did a pretty good job of adjusting the raw data to take that possibility into account.
As to the possibility of disenchanted voters lying just for the fun of it; no telling how it will play out.
I myself am voting for the Green Party Lady.
Nope. Actually it was Al Gore winning the popular vote in 2000.
I'm still puzzled as to how G. W. Bush got any votes at all.
Foget the Mormon label. W. "Mitt" Romney worships the same god you do - If you worship Money.
How can you say that W. "Mitt" Romney is umm... unintelligent? He's smart enough to rathole a serious amount of emergency cash in Un-American Bank Accounts.
Just like the CIA does.
Just in case, you understand...
Coloradans can see Utah from their front porch?
A friend of mine happened to encounter Murray Chotiner in a hotel lobby in Los Angeles, back in 1968, during the presidential campaign. In a brief exchange, Mr. Chotiner identified my friend as a Democrat. Stan replied "Yes; you make it sound as if that's treasonous." Mr. Chotiner (with his usual dark-visaged scowl) said "It is!"
For those of short memory, I recommend Google (Don't forget to include the 1968).
Maybe if we moved all IRS tax receipts to the Cayman Islands, the deficit would disappear.
"Hitachi of AMERICA"! It's a United States corporation. Same as Toyota of America. Do you really believe a company has to be named Smith Brothers, or U. S. X. Corp, to be American? A bit out of date, you are...
What happened: China switched from subsidizing the industry, to capture market, to pricing to make a profit. At that point, mining and manufacturing in other places became competitive again (as it should be, when the "playing field" is "level").
Totally right "CalypsoSummer". In fact, recent studies have shown that there is actually a greater total mass of oil and water on Planet Earth than the total mass of the earth itself! What we really need to do is to use this excess stuff up as fast as we can, to make room for more freeways and parking lots for our SUVs!
Scientists! What snobs! Of course we can synthesize whatever we need. Think Soylent Green, for instance.
Here2day seems to be one of the very very few people alive in the country today who actually possesses an accurate memory of events more than a week old. CONGRATULATIONS! And try to explain this *Oh, It's So Complicated* thing to the obfuscators of the W. "Mitt" Romney campaign. I wish you luck.
Anybody here worried at all about just *WHY* W. "Mitt" Romney is so willing to say anything, do anything, to get elected President of the US? Compared to his "job" at Bain Kaput-all, it's a crummy job. Long hours, uncooperative co-workers, low pay.
They say that Generals Always Fight The Last War. But apparently noted chickenhawk W. "Mitt" Romney wants to go them one better: He wants to fight the War Before The Last War.
Like R. W. Reagan, with his Big Battleship fetish, you remember, the battleships he spent billions renovating, the ones that were sent back to the mothball fleet as soon as he rode off into the sunset? Mr. Romney wants to spend billions building Civil War era Gunboats!
Your choice folks - up to you.
I'm lucky (if you could call it that); I vote in a state where the presidential vote is a known unknown. So! I get a free vote. Voting for the Green Lady, just to let 'em know I can't pretend I actually like either of the possible "winners".
The power of the purse rests with the House of Representatives, you umm, "low information voter". The Senate has NO POWER in this area. "Beauty Contest Votes" to put in your re-election brochure are a waste of time and brain cells. Of which the Senate, the Government in general, and, apparently, the population at large, are greatly in need of.
Rupert Murdoch opinion pieces! My God, what are you trying to say? A brain-addled foreign reactionary rich old fool. That's the person to believe in.
We should stop spending money on food stamps, and just give that money directly to the farmers. Let the food they produce go to waste. That's so efficient!
W. "Mitt" Romney - economical of the truth! Certainly. But, just for a moment, let's Compare And Contrast. How many different lies did G. W. Bush (and his sidekicks) tell about Iraq before they finally found traction with the whopper about WMD? W. "Mitt" Romney is more in the mold of Joseph "Tailgunner Joe" McCarthy, who kept brandishing his "List of Known Communists In The State Department", without ever ever letting anybody actually see what was on the list. Similarly, W. "Mitt" Romney "Knows What It Takes" - but he won't let anybody know just what that is.
Curious folk would sure like to know what he thinks it takes.
That's very true, Tad4u. "It's Not Who Casts The Votes - It's Who Counts The Votes".
10/31/2012 10:32 AM GMT+0700
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