Saturday, December 01, 2012

More W-P Comments: November 2012

Bain Capital "We Make Money The Old-Fashioned Way: We Liquidate."
James Stanton! Wasn't he Abe Lincoln's Secretary of War?
Must be pretty old by now.
Fox News: Not particularly noted for worrying about the accuracy of their reporting. I found the claim about the "laser" a bit confusing though. I would have assumed that the laser referred to was a laser sighting device. That is, the machine gun possessed a laser sight. NOT a Tom Clancy fantasy at all. That this meant the ability for the CIA group to mount some kind of counterattack does not follow. The entire history of the CIA in fact, argues that when it comes to actual conflict situations, they are a pretty hapless lot. Unless they're using an X-Box to fly a drone equipped with cruise missiles, or something that IS Tom-Clancy'esque.
Believing in the math illiteracy of the American voter is a pretty safe bet, sadly.
It also seems safe to bet against the ability of the majority to remember the path that got us here. Voters were seemingly unable to remember the prosperity of the Clinton years, even DURING the Clinton years. How else explain why they voted to UNDO President Clinton's "Disastrous Tax Increases"? Now, W. "Mitt" Romney promises to continue and extend the "Job-Creating GW Bush Tax Cuts".
FEWER people working for government; MORE people working for private industry.
But by all means, cherrypick the numbers you prefer.
Adam M: To quote from Inherit the Wind... "Your Honor Is Entitled To Hope!" Sadly, the past doesn't seem to qualify as a teaching (or learning) event.
A poll of my closest neocon evangelical old white guy republican friends shows W. "Mitt" Romney winning by 53-47%! Clearly, a historic landslide is in the making.
Pay no attention to that 47% of whining losers!
And yet... and yet... These self-satisfied monocultured boffins have an amazing record of success. Successfully persuading people to believe them.
Even at the bottom of the 2008 depression, when President Bush was disliked by 65% of the population, that still meant that 1 in 3 people thought he was doing a GOOD JOB!
That phrase "Low-Information Voter" comes to mind, but seems a bit mild to describe the true extent of the epidemic of ignorance.
Just guessing here: If Iran (or any other country) starts flying spy planes (drone or manned) over, or even near US airspace, the USAF will shoot that sucker down! Only responsible umm... response possible.
Nice to know the Iran government is also acting responsibly in defense of its airspace.
Well, yes, @Chippewa, Medicare works far far better than most medical insurance plans. At a lower cost as well.
Now my own personal healthcare plan has been: "Don't Get Sick". It worked great for a long time. Not so well now. Medicare seems to be a good supplement to my personal plan.
Rick Scott, of course, milked medicaid for bazillions in fraudulent payments. That was the seed money for his election fund. And got caught at it. Of course he hates government healtcare! Stands in the way of his giant paydays.
Thank you RustBeltWoman. Just because I look like an old white guy doesn't mean I belong in that demographic.
That's quite true; the GOP also welcomes (provisionally) rich black guys, rich hispanic guys, rich asian guys. As long as they know where they belong!
Insisting on absolute purity and devotion to the party's "principles" is a good way to shrink the constituency. The only way that is gonna work is if you can also figure a way to shrink the pool of enfranchised voters. The southern democrats did that with poll taxes and poll tests. The pesky Supreme Court ruled that unconstitutional. Perhaps if we returned to that, the GOP could stay afloat. As long as the poll test was pretty much ABC for their semi-literate (I am being generous here) base, while requiring complex explications of constitutional law for the "brown races".
IRRATIONAL: Well chosen word, to describe the notion that the government, supposedly forbidden to make any law regarding the establishment of religion, should make a law regarding the partnering of citizens based on the rites and rules of a religious organization!
If. marriage is a sacrament (as many DOMA defenders describe it); Then, the government may not pass any laws regarding marriage!
I do believe Gov. Jindal is correct: It would probably be impossible to "dumb down" the GOP beyond its current level. He himself, of course, was a contributor to this state-of-the-party, looking at the sort of things he was claiming back during his moment of fame as director of Katrina Recovery.
As far as running for president. Sorry, Bobby, you can run, but you can't hide.
Prominent Texans want to secede? I don't live in Texas, but I'd be happy to sign the petition!
Heck, forget the peaceful secession; Fire them before they have a chance to quit!
Now I consider, it really isn't so much about smart vs. dumb. It's that the GOP is the party that embraces the notion that it's ok, a good idea really, to "Create Your Own Reality". And so off to Neverland, with no way back.
Comfort Zone OR "Dance With The One Who Brought You Here".
You are correct, it's not a good reason.
Well, W. "Mitt" Romney promised some pretty big gifts himself. Only his gifts were to the uber-rich who were going to vote for him in any case, to get that radical socialist communist foreigner muslim et tedious cetera out of the White House. He was bribing the wrong people! Rep. Ryan had it right: the election was decided by the "Brown Peoples" in the cities. They just can't quit speaking in those old code words that are the legacy of Ronald W. Reagan. In a few more cycles, the GOP will consist entirely of residents of senior care facilities.
Geez; People might think Washington is not serious about the economy? Funny, I got that impression all the way back when Dick Cheney said that "Deficits Don't Matter" (as long as I'm in charge).
Well, don't you see: The water is rising, but HEY! He was having sex! People are being bombed and strafed, but HEY! She was having sex! People are starving, but HEY! They are having sex! Can't permit that sort of behavior now, can we.
It's the Reality TeeVee effect. The more unreal, the more we pretend it's real.
Do we sense something a bit odd here? We must not, nonononono! permit Iran to have any access to fissile material. Because they might, umm, "Have WMDs". Meantime, back at the ranch, Canada is selling enriched Uranium to India, which in fact DOES have WMD's. So do the perpetually failing state of Pakistan, the perpetually bellicose state of Israel, the perpetually petulant state of N. Korea, and, top 'o'the heap, the ONLY country ever to actually Drop The Bomb, the USA. Why this obssessive focus on Iran? Do we really believe they (the rich, powerful, comfortable, leaders, that is) are really intent on committing total suicide?
Won't end. Just a new set of players. There are too many Gods who really love Jerusalem. It's their favorite vacation spot. So, the acolytes of these gods have to fight to secure a choice reservation in Hotel Jerusalem. Even the "Christians" looking after the church there drop censers and duke it out from time to time.
A couple of quotes: "Do you now, or have you ever, advocated the violent overthrow of the government of the United States?"... "We need to starve it and shrink it and drown it in the bathtub."
As far as Senate Majority leader Harry Reid: "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives..." Article 1 Section 7 US Constitution. Posters like likethesoup2 appear to be advocating that Senator Reid act contrary to the Constitution. Either that, or likethesoup2 is an ignoramus.
"You know, not just to people who look like us and act like us,..." Yeah, Mr. Speaker Boehner; how do you speak to people who don't look like Us Amerricans?
First off, consider NOT stereotyping everybody who isn't, or doesn't resemble, an Old White Guy as a Foreigner/Suspicious Possibly Criminal Invader
You mean... Umm... "Severe Conservative W. "Mitt" Romney wasn't what? Severe enough, or conservative enough?
Solon was, of course, ostracised for his efforts. Pisistratus was known as The Tyrant, evoking a vision of the philosopher king and, after his sons INHERITED his power over the state, tyranny came to be regarded as a bad thing. Perhaps even, much later, giving rise to the phrase "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely".
Face it, we aren't getting out of this alive!
Very true. Some reflection will show that the much-loved mortgage interest tax deduction doesn't end up saving the homeowner anything at all. It simply allows the buyer to purchase the same house for MORE money, at a HIGHER interest rate. All well and good for the homebuilding industry and the banks, but not too helpful for you (and especially me).
Right now, with home prices down and interest rates way down, would be a good time to phase out this deduction. Trying to convince the shopper for a new home of this is probably out of the question.
...lite. Well chosen ID! The immigrants don't go to the US for the dole, they go there for the sweatshop jobs that are being returned to the US from the former third world countries of Asia. Meanwhile, the "Brain Drain" that used to flow toward N. America is now reversed and flowing toward Asia.
"Under 60". That is the crucial number. Here (in S.E. Asia), 60 is considered not elderly, but aged. Heck, in Thailand when they say ancient buildings, they mean pre-vietnam-war era.
Us "non-young" Americans are pretty much either among W. "Mitt" Romney's 47%, or we better figure to create a business that doesn't show up on any local government's radar.
When I sent my resume to Lockheed some years ago via a friend who was working at the skunkworks, he told me that Lazy L was "looking for younger engineers". My work in aerospace with NASA, the Air Force, the Navy, as well as at Adobe, Minolta, etc. DISqualified me!
I was over 40. And way over 30.
The reason the "Bush Tax Cuts" were originally set to expire in ten years is that, even as they were enacted, the budget projections showed that they would cause an unsustainable deficit in future years. The "plan" on the Dem side was to show the cuts were wrong; the "plan" on the GOP side was to make them permanent based on the idea that "Deficits Don't Matter" (thanks for that little insight, Dick Cheney).
Wow! Hard to undersestimate the significance of that fact, judithalamance! I guess that means we will have a different president come January.
Ahhhhh, Senator, I saw you palm that card: "Coupled with gradual age increases within Medicare and Social Security; ..." Sure sounds like being fiscally responsible. However, if you couple the demographics of a society where older people (by which I mean, Over Sixty) can't find work alongside a continuous raising of the age at which these people can get SS or Medicare, the result is that by the time I get to SS I will be bankrupt. Or have starved to death.
The POINT of these programs, Senator, is to prevent those beyond working age from ending in poverty. Personally, I would rather work. In fact, I do work. Unfortunately, not for money, because the "Job Creators" won't pay "Obsolete Engineers". Fix that, then you can raise my retirement age.
But during the presidency of G. W. Bush, "Deficits Didn't Matter". Deficits only matter when the president is a Democrat.
Actually, Mr. Ricks is incorrect: in truth the GOP is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch and his various "News" organizations. Fox-News especially included.
Mr. Ricks didn't speak "yessir" to Rupert. Bad Guest!
Interesting: Fox-News excoriates Susan Rice for toeing the party line (the CIA talking points) about Benghazi, but then dismisses Mr. Ricks for NOT toeing the party line (Fox-News' talking points).
"Job Creators" not creating jobs (oh; except in Chinese sweat shops) isn't going to help accomplish anything either. They should start creating jobs in American sweat shops!
11/30/2012 4:23 PM GMT+0700
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