Thursday, October 06, 2005

The New Supreme?

The latest Supreme Court nominee, Harriet Miers, and her twin Bette Davis.
Sorry, I just couldn't resist. The resemblance is, of course, completely irrelevant to anything at all. In fact, if Ms. Miers were to prove as talented as Bette Davis (hopefully in a different venue though), she would certainly leave a serious imprint on the Court, and the nation as well. I guess there's a lot of complaining going on about her lack of relevant experience. Considering the performance of the current members of the Court, and of many recent Justices, I find this not to be a compelling reason to reject her. In fact, the Court hasn't been up to snuff (in my opinion) since the incredibly muddleheaded "Money Equals Speech" decision. A claim that is certainly true de facto, but for the law to say that the person with the biggest megaphone has the right to shout down an opponent is easily the worst decision since Chief Justice Taney's Dred Scott decision.

A small diversion, sorry.

xxxHere's a much more chilling (to me) photo; the first public picture I have seen of new Chief Justice John Roberts, with his philosophical soulmates President Bush and Archbishop John McCarrick.
Understanding that pictures are the best means of transmitting code messages, it's pretty clear what the message here is: forget the idea of "A Wall Between Church and State." We're going to make this christian nation into a Christian Nation. Roe V. Wade? History. This will be a much better place when we can return to the back-alley abortions of the past. All this conveyed in a sort of a "Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?" manner.

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