Monday, October 10, 2005

A Stark Comparison

As we all know (or perhaps believe we know), the United States military is the best trained best equipped best supported and most capable military force ever in the history of the whole wide world. Therefore, there is nothing our armed forces cannot accomplish. Except, apparently, to force other combative types to stop fighting. Also, it appears the military cannot kill its opponents fast enough to bring a halt to the fighting. Now, in addition to training our own forces, the DOD has long made it a practice to train selected groups of fighting men from other countries as well - though sometimes this has been embarrassing, as the trainees returned home only to become, in essence, the palace cohort for a brutal thug dictator (anticommunist though!) in one of our many puppet bananna republics. That said, here is a visual comparison of the training our soldiers undergo at the storied Ft. Huachuca, Arizona, and the training we are giving to the Iraqi insurgents, who will end up, the survivors anyway, as the enforcement arm of one of the fundamentalist states we are creating in the former Iraq.

Soldiers Training at Ft. Huachuca

Insurgents Training at "Ft. Baghdad"

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