Monday, March 03, 2008

An Issue About...

Well, I'm not really sure. I think it may be beyond my understanding. Still, I's a Good Thing that Israel is a Democracy (the middle-east's only democracy, as some like to say). Considering all the foofaraw over genealogical antecedents, as we see Here; just imagine if Israel were a Theocracy instead! I'm being a little judgmental here, of course. Israel is by no means the only state where such wierd ideas are sanctified. In Malaysia, by contrast, one must prove the opposite: in order to marry a non-Muslim, one must prove that she is not a Muslim. Muslims are required to remain so, and cannot leave the Mosque nor Sharia law for another religious or social identity.
So! Which should it be? Is the Israeli model, where you can't be unless you can prove you are: or the Malaysian model, where you must be unless you can prove you aren't the way to go? This may be an important question for the future, here in the USA, considering how increasingly important it seems to be to have the Correct Religious Affiliation in order to be accepted.

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