Tuesday, March 25, 2008

There Oughtta Be...

An Exam...

Statement One: The United States attacks a Middle-east country, claiming it possesses weapons of mass destruction (WMD) (it doesn't). Dick Cheney says this is to promote Peace, Freedom, Democracy.
Statement Two: Hamas attacks a Middle-east country, claiming it possesses WMD (it does). Dick Cheney says this "torpedoes Peace...".
I think there ought to be a written (essay; not multiple guess!) examination required for all who seek national elected office. Question One might be something like this: Read the above statements. Applying simple rules of logic, explain why these two statements are mutually incompatible. Or, in other words, why they are Wrong, Wrong, Wrong.
As some said in the days of the late lamented Vietnam War: Fighting For Peace Is Like (ahem) "Fornicating" For Chastity. My guess is, we'd all be better off if the estimable Vice President (the President as well, come to think of it) would do more of the latter and less of the former.

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