1. Happy Halloween! (Don't forget to put up the Christmas Lights).
2. "She's Just Like Us!" (Our Sarah, that is). That's a good selection criterion alright. I hope you choose your cardiac surgeon or your oncologist for that same reason. That's how we oughtta select our generals firefighters and airline pilots too. Why do people keep chattering about 'qualifications' for gossake?
3. "He wants to spread the wealth around!" Sounds pretty good to me. Alas; there isn't any left to spread. The current president spread it all around to his cronys, the war profiteers, and now the last of the contents of the treasury (and the Social Security Trust Fund is being express mailed to failed finacial institutions. Keep it out of the hands of the poor folk.
4. I understand the Consumers Aren't consuming enough any more. Bizzarre world, isn't it? A 'healthy' economy depends on people consuming more and ever more. Actually, it's worse even than that. To be a successfully capitalist economy, the consumers have to consume more, and increase consumption at an accelerating pace into the bargain! The faster we can burn through the limited resources of our planet, the healthier our economy will be. As far as the inhabitants of the planet (that would be You and Me) - Not So Much, sorry!