Sunday, June 14, 2009

Don't You Think

There's Some Toxic Thinking, when somebody (Dick Cheney in this case) professes to believe that torturing people who are in custody and behind bars somehow Protects The Country from attacks by people who are out and on the loose?
If he were serious about such things as preventing terrorist attacks, why did he and his boss (George W. Bush in this case), the Commander-In-Chief of the huge and mighty United States Armed Forces, let the Terrorist-In-Chief (Osama bin Laden in this case) slip away, time after time after time. One might almost believe the real purpose was to keep a fearsome enemy afield with which to frighten small children and gullible voters. Here's CIA director Leon Panetta, giving voice to the suspicion that, yes, the Dark Master of the anti-American Neo-cons would be delighted if the terrorists he nurtured during his tenure would now rise up and strike at his successor (Barack Obama in this case): CIA chief believes Cheney almost wants US attacked

Sadly, I find this quite believable.

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