Friday, August 29, 2008

All In All

Today's acceptance speech by

Candidate Obama
Was, All in All, pretty good. Great, in fact, in some places. The problem was, predictably, that there were Too Many Places. In this sort of speech, and as we will also see in the State Of The Union, to be delivered by a President-To-Be-Named-Later, every topic that could possibly be spoken to is spoken to. Political writers, it seems, have a Bullet Chart pasted on their walls, listing major, sub-major, and minor-major subjects. All of which must be included in every major speech. Lest some Key Constituency, or some Vital Concern go unmentioned. Leaving the opponent with an opening to claim that the speaker was uncaring, or careless, or ignorant, or et. cetera with regard to the item that got scanted. Result? Everything gets stirred into the pot, and nothing really gets spoken of in any depth. Which is fine for the speaker. In these Modern Times, the point is really to get the Sound Bytes (yes, bytes!) out there in Cyberspace.
To sum up: Wonderful in parts: but too many parts.
Barack Hussein Obama has an amazing bio (as they are called these days); if there's any poetry in this world he will be elected President of the United States. As President, he will face huge challenges. By dint of his brilliance and his force of will, and his great inner humanity, he will overcome these challenges, and his presidency will come to be a national epiphany and be regarded as a millenial event.
Admitted; this is not the likliest outcome.
I decided to investigate.
I took a poll. The Question: "Do you belive there is poetry in the world today?"
The Results:
Yes, I do: 0
No, I do not: 2
What the hell are you talking about?: 1
Ok, it was a small sample. There might be a large margin of error. Also, one of the respondents might have been a little drunk.
Still, on the existence of poetry (and therefore, of poetic justice) in the world today question, things don't look too good. But hey, the guy has done amazing things.

November 4th. Mark the date on your calendar. Stay tuned.
Oh: I liked this guy's speech too. Good speech. Bulldog delivery, as always.

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