Saturday, August 23, 2008

Remember When

The Cold War was over?
It sure seems like a short intermission between CW I and CW II!
I guess even those who think the present president is a hopeless buffoon will have to admit he has done an admirable job of restoring the status-quo-ante, as the neocons of the "Project For The New American Century" wished him to do. Wars make profits after all. Even small wars like the pissing contest over S. Ossetia. Have you noticed? Shooting starts - stock market rises; shooting subsides - so does Dow Jones!
Seems Candidate McCain was just having a little fun with us when he proclaimed that "Countries don't invade countries in the 21st Century." That one is almost as good as Condoleeza Rice telling Russia that we will (probably) not like them for at least a little while.
I tell you, Will Rogers was wonderfully right when he claimed he only needed to read the newspapers to find his best jokes.

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